Автор: Geza Vermes
Издательство: Penguin Books
Жанр: Христианство
Год издания: 2004
Страниц: 716
ISBN: 978-0-140-44952-5
Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF
Качество: хорошее
Размер: 25 Мб
Популярное в англоязычном мире издание переводов так называемых "рукописей Мёртвого моря" или "Кумранских рукописей", названных так по месту обнаружения. Случайно обнаруженные бедуинами в нескольких небольших пещерах свитки стали настоящей сенсацией в научной среде. Работа по публикации рукописей, начатая после обнаружения в 1947 году, затянулась на многие годы, во многом из-за разногласий в научном сообществе. Полнейшим научным изданием текстов является серия Discoveries in the Judaean Desert издаваемая Oxford University Press, в настоящее время состоит из 40 томов (последний 2008 года). Есть и другие научные издания. Работу по полному изданию тестов ещё нельзя считать завершённой: в 2017 году археологи нашли 12-ю пещеру (ранее неизвестную) и разбитым сосудом, рукопись, по-видимому, была украдена расхитителями примерно в 1950-х.
Front Cover 1
Contents (6 XYZ null 521.405 null)
Preface (12 XYZ null 521.72 null)
Dead Sea - Area Map (13 XYZ null 435.262 null)
Caves of Qumran Map (14 XYZ null 419.864 null)
Preface to the Penguin Classics edition (16 XYZ null 524.862 null)
Chronology (18 XYZ null 522.23 null)
I. Introduction (21 XYZ null 526.314 null)
A Bird's Eye View of Fifty Years of Dead Sea Scrolls Research (21 XYZ null 247.508 null)
The Present State of Dead Sea Scroll Studies (30 XYZ null 278.487 null)
Qumran And The New Testament (41 XYZ null 389.099 null)
Qumran's Greatest Novelty (43 XYZ null 319.546 null)
II. The Community (46 XYZ null 529.775 null)
Appendix: The Essenes And The Qumran Community (66 XYZ null 522.956 null)
III. The History of the Community (69 XYZ null 526.067 null)
IV. The Religious Ideas of the Community (87 XYZ null 523.068 null)
List of Abbreviations (111 XYZ null 525.243 null)
Note on This Translation (113 XYZ null 525.356 null)
A. - The Rules (115 XYZ null 525.115 null)
The Community Rule (1QS, 4Q255-64, 4Q280, 286-7, 4Q502, 5QII, 13) (117 XYZ null 520.739 null)
Community Rule manuscripts from Cave 4 (138 XYZ null 525.426 null)
(1) 4QSd=4Q258 (138 XYZ null 450.074 null)
(2) 4QSe=4Q259 (143 XYZ null 327.273 null)
Entry into the Covenant (4Q275) (145 XYZ null 520.582 null)
Four Classes of the Community (4Q279) (146 XYZ null 525.426 null)
The Damascus Document (CD, 4Q265-73, 5Q12, 6Q15) (147 XYZ null 521.976 null)
Damascus Document manuscripts from Cave 4 (166 XYZ null 519.757 null)
(1) The Opening of the Damascus Document According To 4QD (4Q266-8) (167 XYZ null 495.066 null)
(2) Initiation Rules (4Q266, fr. 5) (168 XYZ null 497.838 null)
Rules Relating To the Disqualification of Priests 4Q266, fr. 5 ii (4Q267, fr. 5 ii; 273, frs. 2, 4 i) (168 XYZ null 293.605 null)
(4) Diagnosis of Skin Disease (4Q266, 269, 272, 273) (169 XYZ null 429.123 null)
(5) Rules Concerning Gleanings and Agricultural Priestly Dues (4Q266, 269, 270, 271) (171 XYZ null 497.127 null)
(6) The Penal Code and the Renewal of The Covenant Ritual (4Q266, 270) (172 XYZ null 295.372 null)
(7) A Hybrid Community Rule - Damascus Document Text (4Q265) (175 XYZ null 341.119 null)
The Messianic Rule (1QSa=1Q28a) (179 XYZ null 523.779 null)
The War Scroll (IQM, IQ33, 4Q491-7, 4Q471) (183 XYZ null 523.922 null)
The War Scroll from Cave 4 (4Q491, 493) (206 XYZ null 525.527 null)
The Book of War (4Q285, 11Q14) (208 XYZ null 527.187 null)
The Temple Scroll (11QT=11Q19-21, 4Q365a, 4Q524) (211 XYZ null 521.899 null)
MMT (Miqsat Ma'ase Ha-Torah) - Some Observances of the Law (4Q394-9) (241 XYZ null 522.23 null)
The Wicked and the Holy (4Q181) (250 XYZ null 528.456 null)
4QHalakhah A (4Q251) (251 XYZ null 522.457 null)
4QHalakhah B (4Q264a) (254 XYZ null 522.919 null)
4QTohorot (Purities) A (4Q274) (255 XYZ null 523.054 null)
4QTohorot Ba-Bb (4Q276-7) (258 XYZ null 523.169 null)
4Q Harvesting (4Q284a) (260 XYZ null 524.225 null)
The Master's Exhortation to the Sons of Dawn (4Q298) (261 XYZ null 525.045 null)
4Q Men Who Err (4Q306) (263 XYZ null 527.336 null)
Register of Rebukes (4Q477) (264 XYZ null 522.656 null)
Remonstrances (before Conversion?) (4Q471a) (266 XYZ null 527.172 null)
B. - Hymns And Poems (267 XYZ null 524.782 null)
The Thanksgiving Hymns (1QH, 1Q36 4Q427-32) (269 XYZ null 522.23 null)
Hymnic Fragment (4Q433a) (326 XYZ null 524.291 null)
Apocryphal Psalms (I) (11QPsa=11Q5, 4Q88) (327 XYZ null 525.869 null)
Apocryphal Psalms (II) (4Q88) (334 XYZ null 527.073 null)
Apocryphal Psalms (III) (11QapPsa=11Q11) (336 XYZ null 525.045 null)
Non-canonical Psalms (4Q380-81) (339 XYZ null 524.419 null)
Lamentations (4Q179, 4Q501) (347 XYZ null 526.661 null)
Songs for the Holocaust of the Sabbath (4Q400-407, 11Q17, Masada 1039-200) (349 XYZ null 530.517 null)
Poetic Fragments on Jerusalem and 'King' Jonathan (4Q448) (360 XYZ null 526.363 null)
Hymn of Glorification A and B (4Q491, fr. 11 - 4Q471b) (362 XYZ null 525.274 null)
C. - Calendars, Liturgies And Prayers (365 XYZ null 524.291 null)
Calendars of Priestly Courses (4Q320-30. 337) (367 XYZ null 523.48 null)
Calendrical Document C (4Q326) (383 XYZ null 525.342 null)
Calendrical Document D (4Q394 1-2) (384 XYZ null 526.352 null)
Calendric Signs (Otot) (4Q319) (385 XYZ null 527.073 null)
'Horoscopes' or Astrological Physiognomies (4Q186, 4Q534, 4Q561) (390 XYZ null 526.661 null)
Phases of the Moon (4Q317) (393 XYZ null 525.13 null)
A Zodical Calendar with a Brontologion (4Q318) (394 XYZ null 529.363 null)
Order of Divine Office (4Q334) (396 XYZ null 527.22 null)
The Words of the Heavenly Lights (4Q504-6) (397 XYZ null 530.07 null)
Liturgical Prayer (1Q34 and 34 bis) (401 XYZ null 527.176 null)
Prayers for Festivals (4Q507-9) (402 XYZ null 526.479 null)
Daily Prayers (4Q503) (404 XYZ null 523.48 null)
Prayer or Hymn Celebrating the Morning and the Evening (4Q408) (406 XYZ null 520.549 null)
Blessings (1QSb=1Q28b) (407 XYZ null 527.814 null)
Benedictions (4Q280, 286-90) (411 XYZ null 525.228 null)
4QBerakhot a: Blessings (4Q286) (411 XYZ null 262.418 null)
4QBerakhot b: Curses of Belial (4Q286-7) (414 XYZ null 318.852 null)
4QBenedictions: Curses of Melkiresha' (4Q280) (415 XYZ null 496.197 null)
Confession Ritual (4Q393) (416 XYZ null 523.135 null)
Purification Ritual A (4Q512) (417 XYZ null 528.754 null)
Purification Ritual B (4Q414) (418 XYZ null 527.303 null)
A Liturgical Work (4Q392-3) (419 XYZ null 527.191 null)
D. - Historical And Apocalyptic Works (421 XYZ null 530.473 null)
Apocalyptic Chronology or Apocryphal Weeks (4Q247) (423 XYZ null 525.045 null)
Historical Text A (4Q248) (424 XYZ null 532.315 null)
Historical Texts C-E (formerly Mishmarot C a-c) (4Q331-3) (425 XYZ null 528.638 null)
Historical Text F (4Q468e) (427 XYZ null 526.068 null)
The Triumph of Righteousness or Mysteries (1Q27, 4Q299-301) (428 XYZ null 533.076 null)
(1Q27, 4Q299-302) (428 XYZ null 311.444 null)
Time of Righteousness (4Q215a) (430 XYZ null 530.829 null)
The Renewed Earth (4Q475) (431 XYZ null 528.063 null)
A Messianic Apocalypse (4Q521) (432 XYZ null 527.82 null)
E. - Wisdom Literature (435 XYZ null 530.306 null)
The Seductress (4Q184) (437 XYZ null 526.068 null)
Exhortation to Seek Wisdom (4Q185) (439 XYZ null 526.068 null)
A Parable of Warning (4Q302) (442 XYZ null 527.677 null)
Sapiential Didactic Work A (4Q412) (443 XYZ null 529.479 null)
A Sapiential Work (i) (4Q413) (444 XYZ null 531.555 null)
A Sapiential Work (ii) (4Q415-18, 423, 1Q26) (445 XYZ null 525.914 null)
A Sapiential Work (iii): Ways of Righteousness (4Q420-21) (459 XYZ null 524.429 null)
A Sapiential Work Instruction-like Composition (4Q424) (461 XYZ null 528.638 null)
The Two Ways (4Q473) (463 XYZ null 531.555 null)
Bless, My Soul (4Q434-8) (464 XYZ null 495.948 null)
A Leader's Lament (4Q439) (469 XYZ null 528.107 null)
Fight against Evil Spirits (4Q444) (470 XYZ null 523.479 null)
Songs of the Sage (4Q510-11) (471 XYZ null 525.095 null)
Beatitudes (4Q525) (475 XYZ null 528.985 null)
F. - Bible Interpretation (479 XYZ null 536.88 null)
Introductory Note (481 XYZ null 531.823 null)
Aramaic Bible Translations (Targums) (483 XYZ null 532.497 null)
The Targum of Job (11Q10, 4Q157) (485 XYZ null 534.43 null)
The Targum of Leviticus (4Q156) (491 XYZ null 532.497 null)
Appendix: (A) GREEK BIBLE TRANSLATIONS (4Q119-22, 7Q1-2) (492 XYZ null 532.22 null)
(B) OTHER GREEK FRAGMENTS (4Q126-7, 7Q3-19) (492 XYZ null 186.746 null)
The Reworked Pentateuch (4Q158, 4Q364-7) (494 XYZ null 524.609 null)
A Paraphrase of Genesis and Exodus (4Q422) (498 XYZ null 524.316 null)
The Genesis Apocryphon (1QapGen, 1Q20) (500 XYZ null 527.877 null)
Genesis Commentaries (4Q252-254a) (512 XYZ null 527.761 null)
Genesis Commentary C (4Q254) (515 XYZ null 532.261 null)
Genesis Commentary D (4Q254a) (516 XYZ null 529.745 null)
Commentaries on Isaiah (4Q161-5, 3Q4) (517 XYZ null 531.877 null)
Commentaries on Hosea (4Q166-7) (521 XYZ null 532.815 null)
Commentary on Micah (1Q14, 4Q168) (523 XYZ null 527.725 null)
Commentary on Nahum (4Q169) (524 XYZ null 532.494 null)
Commentary on Habakkuk (1QpHab) (529 XYZ null 526.791 null)
Commentary on Zephaniah (1Q15, 4Q170) (537 XYZ null 530.346 null)
Commentary on Malachi (4Q253a) (538 XYZ null 527.531 null)
Commentary on Psalms (1Q16, 4Q171, 4Q173) (539 XYZ null 528.985 null)
Commentary on an Unidentifiable Text (4Q183) (544 XYZ null 528.297 null)
Florilegium or Midrash on the Last Days (4Q174) (545 XYZ null 527.991 null)
Testimonia or Messianic Anthology (4Q175) (547 XYZ null 532.638 null)
Ordinances or Commentaries on Biblical Law (4Q159, 4Q513-14) (549 XYZ null 526.77 null)
The Heavenly Prince Melchizedek (11Q13) (552 XYZ null 535.564 null)
Consolations or Tanhumim (4Q176) (555 XYZ null 527.969 null)
Catenae or Interpretation of Biblical Texts on the Last Days (4Q177, 4Q182) (556 XYZ null 530.562 null)
G. - Biblically Based Apocryphal Works (557 XYZ null 525.047 null)
Jubilees (4Q216-28, 1Q17-18, 2Q19-20, 3Q5, 4Q482(?), 11Q12) (559 XYZ null 529.192 null)
The Prayer of Enosh and Enoch (4Q369) (563 XYZ null 531.51 null)
The Book of Enoch (4Q201-2, 204-12) (565 XYZ null 527.323 null)
The Book of Giants (1Q23-4, 2Q26, 4Q203, 530-33, 6Q8) (569 XYZ null 526.309 null)
An Admonition Associated with the Flood (4Q370, 4Q185) (571 XYZ null 529.803 null)
The Ages of the Creation (4Q180) (573 XYZ null 531.877 null)
The Book of Noah (1Q19, 1Q19 bis, 4Q534-6, 6Q8, 19) (574 XYZ null 529.192 null)
Words of the Archangel Michael (4Q529, 6Q23) (576 XYZ null 531.001 null)
The Testament of Levi (i) (4Q213-14, 1Q21) (577 XYZ null 526.735 null)
Testaments of the Patriarchs: the Testament of Levi or Testament of Jacob (4Q537 and 540-41) (581 XYZ null 527.209 null)
The Testament of Judah and Joseph (4Q538-9) (583 XYZ null 530.508 null)
The Testament of Naphtali (4Q215) (584 XYZ null 521.979 null)
Narrative and Poetic Composition a-c (4Q371-3) (585 XYZ null 528.262 null)
The Testament of Qahat (4Q542) (588 XYZ null 532.678 null)
The Testament of Amram (4Q543-9) (590 XYZ null 530.562 null)
The Words of Moses (1Q22) (594 XYZ null 531.117 null)
Sermon on the Exodus and the Conquest of Canaan (4Q374) (596 XYZ null 526.654 null)
A Moses Apocryphon a (4Q375) (597 XYZ null 530.069 null)
A Moses Apocryphon b (4Q376, 1Q29) (598 XYZ null 529.423 null)
A Moses Apocryphon c (4Q408) (599 XYZ null 529.244 null)
Apocryphal Pentateuch B (4Q377) (600 XYZ null 531.178 null)
A Moses (or David) Apocryphon (4Q373, 2Q22) (601 XYZ null 534.687 null)
Prophecy of Joshua (4Q522, 5Q9) (602 XYZ null 531.439 null)
A Joshua Apocryphon (i) or Psalms of Joshua (4Q378-9) (603 XYZ null 529.134 null)
A Joshua Apocryphon (ii) (Masada 1039-211) (606 XYZ null 534.569 null)
The Samuel Apocryphon (4Q160) (607 XYZ null 529.283 null)
A Paraphrase on Kings (4Q382) (609 XYZ null 528.991 null)
An Elisha Apocryphon (4Q481a) (610 XYZ null 529.686 null)
A Zedekiah Apocryphon (4Q470) (611 XYZ null 529.917 null)
A Historico-theological Narrative based on Genesis and Exodus (4Q462-4) (612 XYZ null 528.557 null)
Tobit (4Q196-200) (614 XYZ null 527.173 null)
Apocryphon of Jeremiah (4Q383, 385a, 387, 387a, 388a, 389-90) (622 XYZ null 528.754 null)
The New Jerusalem (4Q554-5, 5Q15, 1Q32, 2Q24, 4Q232, 11Q18) (627 XYZ null 530.184 null)
Pseudo-Ezekiel a-d (4Q385, 386, 385b, 388, 385c) (631 XYZ null 526.791 null)
The Prayer of Nabonidus (4Q242) (634 XYZ null 532.055 null)
Para-Danielic Writings (4Q243-5) (635 XYZ null 532.2 null)
The Four Kingdoms (4Q552-3) (636 XYZ null 530.905 null)
An Aramaic Apocalypse (4Q246) (637 XYZ null 528.735 null)
Proto-Esther (?) (4Q550) (639 XYZ null 528.115 null)
List of False Prophets (4Q339) (641 XYZ null 534.39 null)
List of Netinim (4Q340) (642 XYZ null 530.448 null)
H. - Miscellanea (643 XYZ null 534.25 null)
The Copper Scroll (3Q15) (645 XYZ null 531.621 null)
Cryptic Texts (4Q249, 250, 313) (652 XYZ null 532.888 null)
Two Qumran Ostraca (654 XYZ null 532.638 null)
I. - Appendix (657 XYZ null 535.565 null)
Scroll Catalogue (659 XYZ null 527.167 null)
Index of Qumran Texts (677 XYZ null 530.879 null)
Major Editions of Qumran Manuscripts (688 XYZ null 532.7 null)
General Bibliography (692 XYZ null 534.623 null)
General Index (697 XYZ null 533.862 null)
Back Cover
Contents (6 XYZ null 521.405 null)
Preface (12 XYZ null 521.72 null)
Dead Sea - Area Map (13 XYZ null 435.262 null)
Caves of Qumran Map (14 XYZ null 419.864 null)
Preface to the Penguin Classics edition (16 XYZ null 524.862 null)
Chronology (18 XYZ null 522.23 null)
I. Introduction (21 XYZ null 526.314 null)
A Bird's Eye View of Fifty Years of Dead Sea Scrolls Research (21 XYZ null 247.508 null)
The Present State of Dead Sea Scroll Studies (30 XYZ null 278.487 null)
Qumran And The New Testament (41 XYZ null 389.099 null)
Qumran's Greatest Novelty (43 XYZ null 319.546 null)
II. The Community (46 XYZ null 529.775 null)
Appendix: The Essenes And The Qumran Community (66 XYZ null 522.956 null)
III. The History of the Community (69 XYZ null 526.067 null)
IV. The Religious Ideas of the Community (87 XYZ null 523.068 null)
List of Abbreviations (111 XYZ null 525.243 null)
Note on This Translation (113 XYZ null 525.356 null)
A. - The Rules (115 XYZ null 525.115 null)
The Community Rule (1QS, 4Q255-64, 4Q280, 286-7, 4Q502, 5QII, 13) (117 XYZ null 520.739 null)
Community Rule manuscripts from Cave 4 (138 XYZ null 525.426 null)
(1) 4QSd=4Q258 (138 XYZ null 450.074 null)
(2) 4QSe=4Q259 (143 XYZ null 327.273 null)
Entry into the Covenant (4Q275) (145 XYZ null 520.582 null)
Four Classes of the Community (4Q279) (146 XYZ null 525.426 null)
The Damascus Document (CD, 4Q265-73, 5Q12, 6Q15) (147 XYZ null 521.976 null)
Damascus Document manuscripts from Cave 4 (166 XYZ null 519.757 null)
(1) The Opening of the Damascus Document According To 4QD (4Q266-8) (167 XYZ null 495.066 null)
(2) Initiation Rules (4Q266, fr. 5) (168 XYZ null 497.838 null)
Rules Relating To the Disqualification of Priests 4Q266, fr. 5 ii (4Q267, fr. 5 ii; 273, frs. 2, 4 i) (168 XYZ null 293.605 null)
(4) Diagnosis of Skin Disease (4Q266, 269, 272, 273) (169 XYZ null 429.123 null)
(5) Rules Concerning Gleanings and Agricultural Priestly Dues (4Q266, 269, 270, 271) (171 XYZ null 497.127 null)
(6) The Penal Code and the Renewal of The Covenant Ritual (4Q266, 270) (172 XYZ null 295.372 null)
(7) A Hybrid Community Rule - Damascus Document Text (4Q265) (175 XYZ null 341.119 null)
The Messianic Rule (1QSa=1Q28a) (179 XYZ null 523.779 null)
The War Scroll (IQM, IQ33, 4Q491-7, 4Q471) (183 XYZ null 523.922 null)
The War Scroll from Cave 4 (4Q491, 493) (206 XYZ null 525.527 null)
The Book of War (4Q285, 11Q14) (208 XYZ null 527.187 null)
The Temple Scroll (11QT=11Q19-21, 4Q365a, 4Q524) (211 XYZ null 521.899 null)
MMT (Miqsat Ma'ase Ha-Torah) - Some Observances of the Law (4Q394-9) (241 XYZ null 522.23 null)
The Wicked and the Holy (4Q181) (250 XYZ null 528.456 null)
4QHalakhah A (4Q251) (251 XYZ null 522.457 null)
4QHalakhah B (4Q264a) (254 XYZ null 522.919 null)
4QTohorot (Purities) A (4Q274) (255 XYZ null 523.054 null)
4QTohorot Ba-Bb (4Q276-7) (258 XYZ null 523.169 null)
4Q Harvesting (4Q284a) (260 XYZ null 524.225 null)
The Master's Exhortation to the Sons of Dawn (4Q298) (261 XYZ null 525.045 null)
4Q Men Who Err (4Q306) (263 XYZ null 527.336 null)
Register of Rebukes (4Q477) (264 XYZ null 522.656 null)
Remonstrances (before Conversion?) (4Q471a) (266 XYZ null 527.172 null)
B. - Hymns And Poems (267 XYZ null 524.782 null)
The Thanksgiving Hymns (1QH, 1Q36 4Q427-32) (269 XYZ null 522.23 null)
Hymnic Fragment (4Q433a) (326 XYZ null 524.291 null)
Apocryphal Psalms (I) (11QPsa=11Q5, 4Q88) (327 XYZ null 525.869 null)
Apocryphal Psalms (II) (4Q88) (334 XYZ null 527.073 null)
Apocryphal Psalms (III) (11QapPsa=11Q11) (336 XYZ null 525.045 null)
Non-canonical Psalms (4Q380-81) (339 XYZ null 524.419 null)
Lamentations (4Q179, 4Q501) (347 XYZ null 526.661 null)
Songs for the Holocaust of the Sabbath (4Q400-407, 11Q17, Masada 1039-200) (349 XYZ null 530.517 null)
Poetic Fragments on Jerusalem and 'King' Jonathan (4Q448) (360 XYZ null 526.363 null)
Hymn of Glorification A and B (4Q491, fr. 11 - 4Q471b) (362 XYZ null 525.274 null)
C. - Calendars, Liturgies And Prayers (365 XYZ null 524.291 null)
Calendars of Priestly Courses (4Q320-30. 337) (367 XYZ null 523.48 null)
Calendrical Document C (4Q326) (383 XYZ null 525.342 null)
Calendrical Document D (4Q394 1-2) (384 XYZ null 526.352 null)
Calendric Signs (Otot) (4Q319) (385 XYZ null 527.073 null)
'Horoscopes' or Astrological Physiognomies (4Q186, 4Q534, 4Q561) (390 XYZ null 526.661 null)
Phases of the Moon (4Q317) (393 XYZ null 525.13 null)
A Zodical Calendar with a Brontologion (4Q318) (394 XYZ null 529.363 null)
Order of Divine Office (4Q334) (396 XYZ null 527.22 null)
The Words of the Heavenly Lights (4Q504-6) (397 XYZ null 530.07 null)
Liturgical Prayer (1Q34 and 34 bis) (401 XYZ null 527.176 null)
Prayers for Festivals (4Q507-9) (402 XYZ null 526.479 null)
Daily Prayers (4Q503) (404 XYZ null 523.48 null)
Prayer or Hymn Celebrating the Morning and the Evening (4Q408) (406 XYZ null 520.549 null)
Blessings (1QSb=1Q28b) (407 XYZ null 527.814 null)
Benedictions (4Q280, 286-90) (411 XYZ null 525.228 null)
4QBerakhot a: Blessings (4Q286) (411 XYZ null 262.418 null)
4QBerakhot b: Curses of Belial (4Q286-7) (414 XYZ null 318.852 null)
4QBenedictions: Curses of Melkiresha' (4Q280) (415 XYZ null 496.197 null)
Confession Ritual (4Q393) (416 XYZ null 523.135 null)
Purification Ritual A (4Q512) (417 XYZ null 528.754 null)
Purification Ritual B (4Q414) (418 XYZ null 527.303 null)
A Liturgical Work (4Q392-3) (419 XYZ null 527.191 null)
D. - Historical And Apocalyptic Works (421 XYZ null 530.473 null)
Apocalyptic Chronology or Apocryphal Weeks (4Q247) (423 XYZ null 525.045 null)
Historical Text A (4Q248) (424 XYZ null 532.315 null)
Historical Texts C-E (formerly Mishmarot C a-c) (4Q331-3) (425 XYZ null 528.638 null)
Historical Text F (4Q468e) (427 XYZ null 526.068 null)
The Triumph of Righteousness or Mysteries (1Q27, 4Q299-301) (428 XYZ null 533.076 null)
(1Q27, 4Q299-302) (428 XYZ null 311.444 null)
Time of Righteousness (4Q215a) (430 XYZ null 530.829 null)
The Renewed Earth (4Q475) (431 XYZ null 528.063 null)
A Messianic Apocalypse (4Q521) (432 XYZ null 527.82 null)
E. - Wisdom Literature (435 XYZ null 530.306 null)
The Seductress (4Q184) (437 XYZ null 526.068 null)
Exhortation to Seek Wisdom (4Q185) (439 XYZ null 526.068 null)
A Parable of Warning (4Q302) (442 XYZ null 527.677 null)
Sapiential Didactic Work A (4Q412) (443 XYZ null 529.479 null)
A Sapiential Work (i) (4Q413) (444 XYZ null 531.555 null)
A Sapiential Work (ii) (4Q415-18, 423, 1Q26) (445 XYZ null 525.914 null)
A Sapiential Work (iii): Ways of Righteousness (4Q420-21) (459 XYZ null 524.429 null)
A Sapiential Work Instruction-like Composition (4Q424) (461 XYZ null 528.638 null)
The Two Ways (4Q473) (463 XYZ null 531.555 null)
Bless, My Soul (4Q434-8) (464 XYZ null 495.948 null)
A Leader's Lament (4Q439) (469 XYZ null 528.107 null)
Fight against Evil Spirits (4Q444) (470 XYZ null 523.479 null)
Songs of the Sage (4Q510-11) (471 XYZ null 525.095 null)
Beatitudes (4Q525) (475 XYZ null 528.985 null)
F. - Bible Interpretation (479 XYZ null 536.88 null)
Introductory Note (481 XYZ null 531.823 null)
Aramaic Bible Translations (Targums) (483 XYZ null 532.497 null)
The Targum of Job (11Q10, 4Q157) (485 XYZ null 534.43 null)
The Targum of Leviticus (4Q156) (491 XYZ null 532.497 null)
Appendix: (A) GREEK BIBLE TRANSLATIONS (4Q119-22, 7Q1-2) (492 XYZ null 532.22 null)
(B) OTHER GREEK FRAGMENTS (4Q126-7, 7Q3-19) (492 XYZ null 186.746 null)
The Reworked Pentateuch (4Q158, 4Q364-7) (494 XYZ null 524.609 null)
A Paraphrase of Genesis and Exodus (4Q422) (498 XYZ null 524.316 null)
The Genesis Apocryphon (1QapGen, 1Q20) (500 XYZ null 527.877 null)
Genesis Commentaries (4Q252-254a) (512 XYZ null 527.761 null)
Genesis Commentary C (4Q254) (515 XYZ null 532.261 null)
Genesis Commentary D (4Q254a) (516 XYZ null 529.745 null)
Commentaries on Isaiah (4Q161-5, 3Q4) (517 XYZ null 531.877 null)
Commentaries on Hosea (4Q166-7) (521 XYZ null 532.815 null)
Commentary on Micah (1Q14, 4Q168) (523 XYZ null 527.725 null)
Commentary on Nahum (4Q169) (524 XYZ null 532.494 null)
Commentary on Habakkuk (1QpHab) (529 XYZ null 526.791 null)
Commentary on Zephaniah (1Q15, 4Q170) (537 XYZ null 530.346 null)
Commentary on Malachi (4Q253a) (538 XYZ null 527.531 null)
Commentary on Psalms (1Q16, 4Q171, 4Q173) (539 XYZ null 528.985 null)
Commentary on an Unidentifiable Text (4Q183) (544 XYZ null 528.297 null)
Florilegium or Midrash on the Last Days (4Q174) (545 XYZ null 527.991 null)
Testimonia or Messianic Anthology (4Q175) (547 XYZ null 532.638 null)
Ordinances or Commentaries on Biblical Law (4Q159, 4Q513-14) (549 XYZ null 526.77 null)
The Heavenly Prince Melchizedek (11Q13) (552 XYZ null 535.564 null)
Consolations or Tanhumim (4Q176) (555 XYZ null 527.969 null)
Catenae or Interpretation of Biblical Texts on the Last Days (4Q177, 4Q182) (556 XYZ null 530.562 null)
G. - Biblically Based Apocryphal Works (557 XYZ null 525.047 null)
Jubilees (4Q216-28, 1Q17-18, 2Q19-20, 3Q5, 4Q482(?), 11Q12) (559 XYZ null 529.192 null)
The Prayer of Enosh and Enoch (4Q369) (563 XYZ null 531.51 null)
The Book of Enoch (4Q201-2, 204-12) (565 XYZ null 527.323 null)
The Book of Giants (1Q23-4, 2Q26, 4Q203, 530-33, 6Q8) (569 XYZ null 526.309 null)
An Admonition Associated with the Flood (4Q370, 4Q185) (571 XYZ null 529.803 null)
The Ages of the Creation (4Q180) (573 XYZ null 531.877 null)
The Book of Noah (1Q19, 1Q19 bis, 4Q534-6, 6Q8, 19) (574 XYZ null 529.192 null)
Words of the Archangel Michael (4Q529, 6Q23) (576 XYZ null 531.001 null)
The Testament of Levi (i) (4Q213-14, 1Q21) (577 XYZ null 526.735 null)
Testaments of the Patriarchs: the Testament of Levi or Testament of Jacob (4Q537 and 540-41) (581 XYZ null 527.209 null)
The Testament of Judah and Joseph (4Q538-9) (583 XYZ null 530.508 null)
The Testament of Naphtali (4Q215) (584 XYZ null 521.979 null)
Narrative and Poetic Composition a-c (4Q371-3) (585 XYZ null 528.262 null)
The Testament of Qahat (4Q542) (588 XYZ null 532.678 null)
The Testament of Amram (4Q543-9) (590 XYZ null 530.562 null)
The Words of Moses (1Q22) (594 XYZ null 531.117 null)
Sermon on the Exodus and the Conquest of Canaan (4Q374) (596 XYZ null 526.654 null)
A Moses Apocryphon a (4Q375) (597 XYZ null 530.069 null)
A Moses Apocryphon b (4Q376, 1Q29) (598 XYZ null 529.423 null)
A Moses Apocryphon c (4Q408) (599 XYZ null 529.244 null)
Apocryphal Pentateuch B (4Q377) (600 XYZ null 531.178 null)
A Moses (or David) Apocryphon (4Q373, 2Q22) (601 XYZ null 534.687 null)
Prophecy of Joshua (4Q522, 5Q9) (602 XYZ null 531.439 null)
A Joshua Apocryphon (i) or Psalms of Joshua (4Q378-9) (603 XYZ null 529.134 null)
A Joshua Apocryphon (ii) (Masada 1039-211) (606 XYZ null 534.569 null)
The Samuel Apocryphon (4Q160) (607 XYZ null 529.283 null)
A Paraphrase on Kings (4Q382) (609 XYZ null 528.991 null)
An Elisha Apocryphon (4Q481a) (610 XYZ null 529.686 null)
A Zedekiah Apocryphon (4Q470) (611 XYZ null 529.917 null)
A Historico-theological Narrative based on Genesis and Exodus (4Q462-4) (612 XYZ null 528.557 null)
Tobit (4Q196-200) (614 XYZ null 527.173 null)
Apocryphon of Jeremiah (4Q383, 385a, 387, 387a, 388a, 389-90) (622 XYZ null 528.754 null)
The New Jerusalem (4Q554-5, 5Q15, 1Q32, 2Q24, 4Q232, 11Q18) (627 XYZ null 530.184 null)
Pseudo-Ezekiel a-d (4Q385, 386, 385b, 388, 385c) (631 XYZ null 526.791 null)
The Prayer of Nabonidus (4Q242) (634 XYZ null 532.055 null)
Para-Danielic Writings (4Q243-5) (635 XYZ null 532.2 null)
The Four Kingdoms (4Q552-3) (636 XYZ null 530.905 null)
An Aramaic Apocalypse (4Q246) (637 XYZ null 528.735 null)
Proto-Esther (?) (4Q550) (639 XYZ null 528.115 null)
List of False Prophets (4Q339) (641 XYZ null 534.39 null)
List of Netinim (4Q340) (642 XYZ null 530.448 null)
H. - Miscellanea (643 XYZ null 534.25 null)
The Copper Scroll (3Q15) (645 XYZ null 531.621 null)
Cryptic Texts (4Q249, 250, 313) (652 XYZ null 532.888 null)
Two Qumran Ostraca (654 XYZ null 532.638 null)
I. - Appendix (657 XYZ null 535.565 null)
Scroll Catalogue (659 XYZ null 527.167 null)
Index of Qumran Texts (677 XYZ null 530.879 null)
Major Editions of Qumran Manuscripts (688 XYZ null 532.7 null)
General Bibliography (692 XYZ null 534.623 null)
General Index (697 XYZ null 533.862 null)
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