Название: Albrecht Durer: 255 Colour Plates
Автор: Maria Peitcheva
Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing
Год: 2016
Формат: epub
Страниц: 88
Размер: 21 mb
Язык: English
Собрание работ Альбрехта Дюрера - немецкого живописца и графика, одного из величайших мастеров западноевропейского Ренессанса.
Признан крупнейшим европейским мастером ксилографии, поднявшим её на уровень настоящего искусства.
Первый теоретик искусства среди североевропейских художников.
While he was alive, Durer has published several hundred engravings on which are appeared his initials.
It is impossible today to know how many of his works are lost, but those that have survived,
give us a relatively complete view of the range of his work. Durer as rule spent much of his time as a printmaker.
Finally, there are a thousand of his drawings and watercolors. The range and variety of his work is just amazing.
His woodcarvings and engravings made him great and famous all over Europe, and he is commonly considered
the best master in this area. His drawings and watercolors even today strike us with a variety of techniques
and were painted with an almost phenomenal precision.