Автор: Mackenzie Barlow
Название: Data Structures and Transmission: Research, Technology and Applications
Издательство: Nova Science Pub Inc.
Год: 2017
Серия: Computer Science, Technology and Applications
ISBN: 9781536110715
Язык: English
Формат: pdf
Размер: 10,0 mb
Страниц: 123
The recent advances in computer networks and the widespread use of the Internet, together with other developments in telecommunications technology have made it possible to send messages and exchange information around the whole world.
Chapter 1 - Globalization of information management has led to complex methodologies to reach secure data transmission and avoid data theft, fraud, and illegal information acquisition.
Chapter 2 - In this work the authors investigate the fractional synchronization problem for a class of nonlinear fractional order systems based on the master-slave synchronization configuration, hi order to achieve the fractional synchronization the authors introduce the so-called fractional quadratic observer, which provides asymptotic convergence of the synchronization error, and it is viewed as the slave system.
Chapter 3 - Linked data structures combine a variety of most effective data structures used in a large number of algorithms.
Chapter 4 - This chapter describes technologies and tools for sensor data collection, transmission and analytical processing using wireless sensor network in the energy SCADA system.