Автор: Tolga Soyata
Название: Enabling Real-Time Mobile Cloud Computing through Emerging Technologies
Издательство: IGI Global
Год: 2015
ISBN: 9781466686625
Серия: Advances in Wireless Technologies and Telecommunication
Язык: English
Формат: pdf
Размер: 32,2 mb
Страниц: 399
Todays smartphones utilize a rapidly developing range of sophisticated applications, pushing the limits of mobile processing power. The increased demand for cell phone applications has necessitated the rise of mobile cloud computing, a technological research arena which combines cloud computing, mobile computing, and wireless networks to maximize the computational and data storage capabilities of mobile devices.
Enabling Real-Time Mobile Cloud Computing through Emerging Technologies is an authoritative and accessible resource that incorporates surveys, tutorials, and the latest scholarly research on cellular technologies to explore the latest developments in mobile and wireless computing technologies. With its exhaustive coverage of emerging techniques, protocols, and computational structures, this reference work is an ideal tool for students, instructors, and researchers in the field of telecommunications.
This reference work features astute articles on a wide range of current research topics including, but not limited to, architectural communication components (cloudlets), infrastructural components, secure mobile cloud computing, medical cloud computing, network latency, and emerging open source structures that optimize and accelerate smartphones.