Автор: Rebecca Lee Hammons, Ronald J. Kovac
Издательство: CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group
Год: 2019
Страниц: 446
Язык: английский
Формат: epub
Размер: 20.6 MB
Интернет вещей - это следующее проявление Интернета. Тенденция началась с подключения компьютеров к компьютерам, прогрессировала до соединения людей с людьми, и теперь движется, чтобы соединить все со всем. Движение началось как гонка - с большой помпой, волнением и аплодисментами. Сейчас мы находимся в фазе работы, и мы должны выяснить, как осуществить эту мечту.
The IoT is the next manifestation of the Internet. The trend started by connecting computers to computers, progressed to connect people to people, and is now moving to connect everything to everything. The movement started like a race—with a lot of fanfare, excitement, and cheering. We’re now into the work phase, and we have to figure out how to make the dream come true. What is the dream? It manifests in different ways for each of the participating vertical industries, but its essence is the same—to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of processes and procedures. IoT can help with the safety of an older person in their home or can help produce better and cheaper products. IoT can reap significant amounts of valuable, and not so valuable, data to enhance our strategies and tactics. The value is in how we embrace the basic concepts of the Internet and the IoT.
The IoT will have many faces and involve many fields as it progresses. It will involve technology, design, security, legal policy, business, artificial intelligence, design, Big Data, and forensics; about any field that exists now. This is why we decided to write the book. We saw books in each one of these fields, but the focus was always “an inch wide and a mile deep.” We wanted a book that would introduce the IoT to the non-engineer and allow them to dream of the possibilities and explore the work venues in this area. We wanted a book “A mile wide and a few inches deep.” We think we have met this goal by engaging experts from a number of fields and asking them to come together to create an introductory IoT book. We hope you agree.
The Internet of Things (IoT) industry shows promise for providing internet-based devices that enable an improved quality of life for individuals, families, and communities. While in recent years, IoT innovations have been embraced by early adopters who relish the opportunity to become familiar with new technology, we are shifting into an era in which IoT devices will be mainstream along with the data analytics that are applied by the vendors, administrators, and users. This book provides a look at how IoT innovations are used to create smart homes and cities and to improve healthcare services.
The applications of IoT are limited only by vision, imagination, and wireless capabilities. However, the growth in this technology market also brings interdependent issues and challenges that must be considered by consumers, designers, manufacturers, and vendors. The book also examines the implications of integrating a preponderance of such devices into our businesses, schools, homes, and cities through a discussion of the concept of Slow Tech and the importance of being socially responsible in our use of information and communication technologies (ICTs).
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