Автор: W. H. Auden
Издательство: Vintage Books, New York
Серия: PS3501.U55A17 1979 821'.9'12 78-55719
ISBN: 0-394-72506-9
Год: 1979
Страниц: 348
Формат: PDF
Размер: 84 Mb
Язык: English
This significantly expanded edition of "W. H. Auden's Selected Poems" adds twenty poems to the hundred in the original edition, broadening its focus to better reflect the enormous wealth of form, rhetoric, tone, and content in Auden's work. Newly included are such favorites as "Funeral Blues" and other works that represent Auden's lighter, comic side, giving a fuller picture of the range of his genius. Also new are brief notes explaining references that may have become obscure to younger generations of readers and a revised introduction that draws on recent additions to knowledge about Auden.
As in the original edition, the new Selected Poems makes available the preferred original versions of some thirty poems that Auden revised later in life, making it the best source for enjoying the many facets of Auden's art in one volume.