The Brand-New House Book

Автор: harun54 от 5-02-2019, 18:58, Коментариев: 1


Название:The Brand-New House Book
Автор: Katherine Salant
Издательство: Three Rivers Press
Год: 2001
Формат: EPUB
Размер: 12 Мб
Язык: английский / English

From the first vague ideas to the finished structure, building a brand-new house presents you with thousands of choices -- and possible pitfalls. Yet there's no single expert you can turn to at every stage and ask, "What do I do?" Until now.

The Brand-New House Book distills the most crucial advice from hundreds of experts -- from the broad strokes such as bankers on mortgages, interior designers on colors, or arborists on trees to fine-tuning such as cleaners on carpets, movers on staircases, or landscape architects on drainage, every issue is addressed. Thorough and authoritative, yet completely accessible, this book is the most valuable investment you can make to ensure that you bypass the potential nightmares and ultimately come home to the house of your dreams.

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5 февраля 2019 13:09


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