Название: Motherhood in the Face of Trauma Pathways Towards Healing and Growth
Автор: Maria Muzik, Katherine Lisa Rosenblum
Издательство: Springer
Год: 2018
ISBN: 978-3-319-65722-6
Формат: PDF/EPUB
Страниц: 249
Размер: 6.1 Mb
Язык: English
The transition to motherhood is evocative, filled with anticipation and expectation.
For mothers who have experienced trauma, this transition may evoke both hope and
joy, yet simultaneously serve as a stirring reminder of past hurts, worries, and feelings
of vulnerability. The uniqueness of this period includes it’s place within a multigenerational
line, with opportunities to maintin or alter intergenerational patterns.
That this perinatal period is so richly filled with unknowns, fears, and positive
expectations makes it a particularly powerful moment for intervention, and at this
unique and special time all therapeutic interventions can be considered to represent
a “two-generation” approach.