The Art of SEO: Mastering Search Engine Optimization 4th Edition (Fifth Early Release)

Автор: literator от 18-11-2022, 05:14, Коментариев: 0


The Art of SEO: Mastering Search Engine Optimization 4th Edition (Fifth Early Release)Название: The Art of SEO: Mastering Search Engine Optimization 4th Edition (Fifth Early Release)
Автор: Stephan Spencer, Eric Enge, Jessie Stricchiola
Издательство: O’Reilly Media, Inc.
Год: 2022-11-15
Страниц: 215
Язык: английский
Формат: epub (true)
Размер: 27.8 MB

Three acknowledged experts in search engine optimization share guidelines and innovative techniques that will help you plan and execute a comprehensive SEO strategy. Complete with an array of effective tactics from basic to advanced, this fourth edition prepares digital marketers for 2022 and beyond with updates on SEO tools and new search engine optimization methods that have reshaped the SEO landscape. While those on the internet are free to use any of the many available search engines to find what they are seeking, Google remains the dominant player worldwide with more than ninety percent market share. Nonetheless, the burden is on Google (and other search engines) to provide a relevant, fast, and fresh search experience. For the most part, search engines accomplish this by having the most relevant results and delivering them the fastest, as users will return to the search engine they believe will return the results they want in the least amount of time.

Next Generation Communication Networks for Industrial Internet of Things Systems

Автор: literator от 18-11-2022, 04:57, Коментариев: 0


Next Generation Communication Networks for Industrial Internet of Things SystemsНазвание: Next Generation Communication Networks for Industrial Internet of Things Systems
Автор: Sundresan Perumal, Mujahid Tabassum, Moolchand Sharma
Издательство: CRC Press
Год: 2023
Страниц: 240
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 45.8 MB

This book presents Internet of Things (IoT) technology and security-related solutions that employ intelligent data processing technologies and Machine Learning (ML) approaches for data analytics. It presents practical scenarios from the industry for the application of the Internet of Things in various domains. Next Generation Communication Networks for Industrial Internet of Things Systems presents concepts and research challenges in communication networking for Industrial internet of things systems. This book will look at cutting-edge IoT technology and security solutions that employ intelligent data processing and Machine Learning (ML) methods. The book progresses on the topics in a step-by-step manner. It reinforces theory with a full-fledged pedagogy designed to enhance students' understanding and offer them a practical insight into its applications. Also, some chapters introduce and cover novel ideas about how IoT, 5G, and Industrial IoT have changed the world in the field of communication networks.

Internet of Things (IoT) Enabled Automation in Agriculture

Автор: literator от 18-11-2022, 04:39, Коментариев: 0


Internet of Things (IoT) Enabled Automation in AgricultureНазвание: Internet of Things (IoT) Enabled Automation in Agriculture
Автор: Rajesh Singh, Anita Gehlot, Bhupendra Singh, Sushabhan Choudhury
Издательство: CRC Press
Год: 2023
Страниц: 126
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true)
Размер: 10.1 MB

This book provides basic knowledge of the programming and interfacing of devices with IoT modem and programming. The aim is to explain the basic steps to understand the IoT and its application in agriculture field. The primary objective of writing this book is to provide a platform to beginners to get started with Internet of Things based ‘Embedded system’ with basic knowledge of the programming and interfacing of the devices. The book comprises of eleven chapters including introduction of IoT, NodeMCU and interfacing of input output devices. Automation of agricultural field with IoT and microcontroller is new era of technology. Arduino based solution to agricultural field is open source platform. It can be used for developing data loggers and new sensors environment. The rate of solutions with Arduino and sensors is high as it is open source platform. The use of Arduino in agriculture can accelerate the growth of automation.

ModellFan 2022-12

Автор: Dimas от 18-11-2022, 03:41, Коментариев: 0


Название: ModellFan 2022-12
Издательство: GeraMond Verlag GmbH
Формат: True PDF
Страниц: 92
Размер: 29 Mb
Язык: German


Любимые блюда № 7 СВ 2019. Кулинарные антидепрессанты

Автор: Tetyanka_ от 18-11-2022, 01:49, Коментариев: 0


Название: Любимые блюда
Номер: № 7-СВ, 2019
Изд-во: ПП "Арт-Комплекс"
Страниц: 50
Язык: русский
Формат: PDF
Размер: 53,2 Мб

Журнал "Любимые блюда" - это проверенные рецепты от опытных хозяек, полезные советы на все случаи жизни, рекомендации диетологов по здоровому питанию.
Данный номер - спецвыпуск "Кулинарные антидепрессанты": запасаемся витаминами и поднимаем настроение! В осенне-зимний период нам просто необходимы продукты, способные заряжать организм энергией и позитивом!
В н о м е р е:
Блюда из апельсинов: свиные медальоны, тарт с кремом...*
Блюда с шоколадом: чизкейк с инжиром, паста для тостов, чуррос, брауни с черносливом, ...*
Блюда из авокадо: салаты, суп, тосты *
7 напитков, с которыми легко просыпаться: коктейль с имбирем, кофе, зеленый смузи, чай с облепихой, матча латте, какао*
Блюда из хурмы: запеченная свинина, сырники, творожная запеканка в мультиварке, кекс, джем, ...*
Бананы - главный тренд осени *

Collectors Gazette – October 2022

Автор: magnum от 18-11-2022, 01:23, Коментариев: 0


Collectors Gazette – October 2022Название: Collectors Gazette
Издательство: Warners Group
Год / месяц: October 2022
Номер: 463
Страниц: 57
Качество: хорошее
Формат: True PDF
Размер: 18,1 MB
Язык: English

The publication for toy and model collectors worldwide. Collectors Gazette covers all aspects of toys, memorabilia and childhood collectables. It provides news on the latest product releases, details on auction, toy and collectors fairs plus, private wants, swaps and items for sale. This publication is a must for all collectors.

Generative Deep Learning: Teaching Machines to Paint, Write, Compose, and Play, 2nd Edition (5th Early Release)

Автор: literator от 18-11-2022, 01:04, Коментариев: 0


Generative Deep Learning: Teaching Machines to Paint, Write, Compose, and Play, 2nd Edition (5th Early Release)Название: Generative Deep Learning: Teaching Machines to Paint, Write, Compose, and Play, 2nd Edition (5th Early Release)
Автор: David Foster
Издательство: O’Reilly Media, Inc.
Год: 2022-11-16
Страниц: 286
Язык: английский
Формат: epub
Размер: 42.6 MB

Generative modeling is one of the hottest topics in AI. It is now possible to teach a machine to excel at human endeavors such as painting, writing, and composing music. With this practical book, Machine Learning engineers and data scientists will discover how to re-create some of the most impressive examples of generative Deep Learning models such as variational autoencoders, generative adversarial networks (GANs), Transformers, normalizing flows, and diffusion models. A generative model can be broadly defined as follows: Generative modeling is a branch of Machine Learning (ML) that deals with the creation of models that can generate new data points that are similar to the training data. We use the Keras function image_dataset_from_directory to create a Tensorflow Dataset pointed at the directly where the images are stored.

Shooting Times & Country - 16 November 2022

Автор: magnum от 18-11-2022, 01:01, Коментариев: 0


Shooting Times & Country - 16 November 2022Название: Shooting Times & Country
Издательство: Follow Patrick
Год / месяц: 16 November 2022
Страниц: 100
Формат: PDF
Размер: 62,8 MB
Язык: English

Since its launch in 1882, Shooting Times & Country Magazine has been at the forefront of the shooting scene. The magazine is the clear first choice for shooting sportsmen, with editorial covering all disciplines, including gameshooting, rough shooting, pigeon shooting, wildfowling and deer stalking. Additionally the magazine has a strong focus on the training and use of gundogs in the field and, the magazine keeps readers firmly up-to-date with the latest news in their world.

Classic Cars UK - January 2023

Автор: magnum от 18-11-2022, 00:55, Коментариев: 0


Classic Cars UK - January 2023Название: Classic Cars UK
Год / месяц: January 2023
Номер: 594
Страниц: 171
Формат: PDF
Размер: 119,2 MB
Язык: English

Britain's longest-established classic car magazine defined the world of classic motoring when it launched back in 1973, and it still does today. Each month Classic Cars magazine is packed full of great cars from the past, with inspirational human stories of pursuing, owning, driving, restoring and living with them; plus the latest and sharpest coverage of market trends, buying advice, events and news to help enthusiasts enjoy their classic motoring to the full.

Редкие садовые культуры. СВ газеты «Хозяин» № 4 2019

Автор: Tetyanka_ от 18-11-2022, 00:36, Коментариев: 0

Категория: ЖУРНАЛЫ » ДОМ И САД

Название: Редкие садовые культуры. СВ газеты «Хозяин»
Номер/дата выпуска: № 4 (105), апрель, 2019
Ответств. за выпуск: А.Е. Алпеев
Изд-во: ООО "ИД «Хозяин»"
Страниц: 36
Формат: PDF
Размер: 62,03 Мб
Язык: русский

Тема спецвыпуска всеукраинской газеты-энциклопедии "Хозяин. Дом, сад, огород" - "Редкие садовые культуры".
В выпуске представлены такие растения:
Земклуника: биологические особенности, полив, удобрения и размножение, уход за молодыми насаждениями и за плодоносящей плантацией, болезни и вредители, сорта;
Лавровишня: виды, посадка и уход, размножение, болезни и вредители, использование;
Кизил: виды, посадка и уход, размножение,сорта, болезни и вредители;