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Country Living USA - June/July 2024

Автор: magnum от 11-05-2024, 23:52, Коментариев: 0


Country Living USA - June/July 2024Название: Country Living USA - June/July 2024
Издательство: Hearst Magazine Media
Страниц: 112
Качество: хорошее
Формат: True PDF
Размер: 70,3 MB
Язык: английский

Whether you live in the town or countryside, in Country Living you’ll find a wealth of ideas for your home and garden, learn about traditional crafts, keep informed of rural issues, enjoy irresistible dishes using seasonal produce and, above all, escape the stress and strain of modern-day life.

Годен до. Распаковка секретов молодости, которые отучат тело стареть

Автор: tatanavip от 11-05-2024, 22:36, Коментариев: 0


Название: Годен до. Распаковка секретов молодости, которые отучат тело стареть
Автор: Йаэль Адлер
Издательство: Эксмо
Год: 2024
Формат: pdf, fb2
Размер: 29 Мб
Качество: Хорошее
Язык: Русский

Все хотят дожить до старости, но никто не хочет стареть…
Так как максимально долго оставаться молодым и здоровым? Ответ на этот вопрос знает эксперт по борьбе с возрастными изменениями и автор бестселлеров Йаэль Адлер.
В этой книге известный врач не только собрала все знания о меняющемся с возрастом теле, но и поделилась практическими лайфхаками для повседневной жизни. «Годен до» – книга, гарантирующая сохранение свежести!

Artesanato Simples ed.06 - Patchwork

Автор: sama_sha от 11-05-2024, 21:41, Коментариев: 0


Название: Artesanato Simples - Patchwork
Издательство: EdiCase
Номер: 6
Размер: 21 Мб
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 32
Язык: Португальский

Бразильский журнал по шитью в стиле пэчворка и квилта. В издании 20 красивых проектов, доступных для любого уровня рукодельниц. Все проекты сопровождаются красочными фотоматериалами

Computability and Complexity: Foundations and Tools for Pursuing Scientific Applications

Автор: literator от 11-05-2024, 20:13, Коментариев: 0


Название: Computability and Complexity: Foundations and Tools for Pursuing Scientific Applications
Автор: Rod Downey
Издательство: Springer
Серия: Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science
Год: 2024
Страниц: 361
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub
Размер: 10.1 MB

This is a book about computation, something which is ubiquitous in the modern world. More precisely, it examines computability theory and computational complexity theory. Computability theory is the part of mathematics and Computer Science which seeks to clarify what we mean by computation or algorithm. When is there a computational solution possible to some question? How can we show that none is possible? How computationally hard is the question we are concerned with? Arguably, this area lead to the development of digital computers. (Computational) complexity theory is an intellectual heir of computability theory. Complexity theory is concerned with understanding what resources are needed for computation, where typically we would measure the resources in terms of time and space. Can we perform some task in a feasible number of steps? Can we perform some algorithm with only a limited memory? Does randomness help? Are there standard approaches to overcoming computational difficulty?

Византия и Азия. Гибель цивилизации

Автор: SCART56 от 11-05-2024, 19:33, Коментариев: 0

Категория: КНИГИ » ИСТОРИЯ

Название: Византия и Азия. Гибель цивилизации
Автор(ы): Шукуров Р.М.
Издательство: Наука
Год: 2023
Страниц: 375
Формат: PDF
Размер: 13 Мб
Язык: русский

Монография представляет систематическое изложение взаимоотношений между Византией и азиатскими народами (в особенности, тюрками) на протяжении XI - XV вв. В шести главах монографии Р. М. Шукуров последовательно анализирует политические, дипломатические, культурные аспекты взаимоотношений византийцев с азиатскими народами, включая также и гендерные отношения, художественные традиции в балканском и анатолийском регионе, демографические процессы.

MATLAB and Simulink in Action: Programming, Scientific Computing and Simulation

Автор: literator от 11-05-2024, 19:33, Коментариев: 0


Название: MATLAB and Simulink in Action: Programming, Scientific Computing and Simulation
Автор: Xue Dingyü, Pan Feng
Издательство: Springer
Год: 2024
Страниц: 472
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub
Размер: 118.0 MB

The textbook is intended for teaching MATLAB language and its applications. MATLAB language is the most widely used computer languages in scientific computing, automatic control and system simulation. The book is composed of three parts: MATLAB programming, scientific computing with MATLAB, and system simulation with Simulink. Since MATLAB is widely used in all fields of science and engineering, a good introduction to the language can not only help students learn how to use it to solve practical problems, but also provide them with the skills to use MATLAB independently in their later courses and research. The three parts of the book are well-balanced and tailored to the needs of engineering students, and the mathematical problems commonly encountered in engineering can be easily solved using MATLAB. This textbook is suitable for undergraduate and graduate students majoring in science and engineering. MATLAB language is a highly integrated language. The statements are concise. It comes with powerful built-in facilities, such that tens or hundreds lines of source code in ordinary C or Fortran can be solved with a couple of lines in MATLAB. It is highly reliable and easy to maintain. The efficiency in solving scientific problems is significantly promoted.

Analog Electronics: Exploring Signals and Circuits

Автор: literator от 11-05-2024, 18:46, Коментариев: 0


Название: Analog Electronics: Exploring Signals and Circuits
Автор: Diego Vega Ramirez
Издательство: Independently published
Серия: Master in Electronics: From Beginner to Engineer
Год: 2024
Страниц: 108
Язык: английский
Формат: epub
Размер: 12.7 MB

Despite the predominance of digitalization, analog electronics continues to be an essential pillar in technological development and innovation. This book, "Analog Electronics: Exploring Signals and Circuits," is the second volume in a series dedicated to unraveling the mysteries and applications of electronics, with a special focus on its analog aspects. The importance of analog electronics lies in its omnipresence and versatility. From the capture of real-world signals to the final stage of actuation in digital systems, analog electronics form the indispensable interface that allows electronic devices to interact with their environment. This book is designed not only to teach the fundamental principles and theories of analog electronics, but also to show how these concepts are applied in practice, opening up a world of possibilities for engineering design and innovation. This volume is structured to guide the reader through an educational journey, starting with the fundamentals of analog electronics, exploring the basic components, and progressing to more complex concepts such as operational amplifiers, analog filters, oscillators, and power circuits. Each chapter is designed to build on previous knowledge, ensuring a solid understanding of each topic before proceeding to the next. Additionally, the practical application of theory is emphasized, with examples and exercises that allow the reader to directly experiment with the concepts discussed.

Он есть, но быть не должен

Автор: SCART56 от 11-05-2024, 18:13, Коментариев: 0


Название: Он есть, но быть не должен
Автор(ы): Быкова М.
Издательство: ДРК Компании -ЮДЖИС- ЛТД
Год: 1991
Страниц: 86
Формат: pdf, djvu
Размер: 12 Мб
Язык: русский

Брошюра «Он есть. Но быть не должен» представляет собой попытку научно-художественных этюдов, основанных на опыте тридцатилетней работы автора в изучении проблемы снежного человека. Работа оригинальная. Уже одних знаний, накопленных в этой области М. Быковой, было бы достаточно для написания любой статьи или книги на эту тему, но к тому же ей не однажды удалось увидеть это животное (в 1987, 1988 и 1989 гг.).

A Practical Guide to Data Analysis Using R: An Example-Based Approach

Автор: literator от 11-05-2024, 18:05, Коментариев: 0


Название: A Practical Guide to Data Analysis Using R: An Example-Based Approach
Автор: John H. Maindonald, W. John Braun, Jeffrey L. Andrews
Издательство: Cambridge University Press
Год: 2024
Страниц: 551
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf
Размер: 15.9 MB

Using diverse real-world examples, this text examines what models used for data analysis mean in a specific research context. What assumptions underlie analyses, and how can you check them? Building on the successful 'Data Analysis and Graphics Using R,' 3rd edition, it expands upon topics including cluster analysis, exponential time series, matching, seasonality, and resampling approaches. An extended look at p-values leads to an exploration of replicability issues and of contexts where numerous p-values exist, including gene expression. Developing practical intuition, this book assists scientists in the analysis of their own data, and familiarizes students in statistical theory with practical data analysis. The worked examples and accompanying commentary teach readers to recognize when a method works and, more importantly, when it doesn't. Each chapter contains copious exercises. Selected solutions, notes, slides, and R code are available online, with extensive references pointing to detailed guides to R. This text is designed as an aid, for learning and for reference, in the navigation of a world in which unprecedented new data sources, and tools for data analysis, are pervasive. It aims to teach, using real-world examples, a style of analysis and critique that, given meaningful data, can generate defensible analysis results. The text is suitable for a style of learning where readers work through the text with a computer at their side, running the R code as and when this seems helpful. It complements more mathematically oriented accounts of statistical methodology. The appendix provides a brief account of R, primarily as a starting point for learning. We encourage readers with limited R experience to avail themselves of the wealth of instructional material on the web.

The Mathematics of Machine Learning: Lectures on Supervised Methods and Beyond

Автор: literator от 11-05-2024, 17:32, Коментариев: 0


Название: The Mathematics of Machine Learning: Lectures on Supervised Methods and Beyond
Автор: Maria Han Veiga, François Gaston Ged
Издательство: De Gruyter
Год: 2024
Страниц: 210
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub
Размер: 29.0 MB

This book is an introduction to Machine Learning, with a strong focus on the mathematics behind the standard algorithms and techniques in the field, aimed at senior undergraduates and early graduate students of Mathematics. There is a focus on well-known Supervised Machine Learning algorithms, detailing the existing theory to provide some theoretical guarantees, featuring intuitive proofs and exposition of the material in a concise and precise manner. A broad set of topics is covered, giving an overview of the field. A summary of the topics covered is: statistical learning theory, approximation theory, linear models, kernel methods, Gaussian processes, deep neural networks, ensemble methods and unsupervised learning techniques, such as clustering and dimensionality reduction. Machine Learning aims at building algorithms that autonomously learn how to perform a task from examples. This definition is rather vague on purpose, but to make it slightly clearer, by “autonomously” we mean that no expert is teaching (or coding by hand) the solution; by “learn” we mean that we have a measure of performance of the algorithm output on the task. This book is suited for students who are interested in entering the field, by preparing them to master the standard tools in Machine Learning. The reader will be equipped to understand the main theoretical questions of the current research and to engage with the field.
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