Автор: Editors of WOOD Magazine
Год: 1988-1996
Формат: ISO (образ диска)
Качество: оригинальное
Размер: 530 Мб
Язык: English
Описание: Коллекционный диск с 9-ти летним архивом журнала Weekend Woodworking Projects с возможностью поиска по всем журналам, печати и не требующий установки.
Weekend Woodworking Projects - это журнал выпускаемый коллективом создателей WOOD Magazine для мастеров различных видов деревообработки (столярное дело, выпиливание, интарсия, резьба и.т.п.). В каждом номере множество идей и проектов с фотографиями и чертежами. Электронные журналы выпущены самим издательством, имеют очень хорошее качество, есть возможность поиска по ключевым словам по всем журналам, интерактивные ссылки позволят без труда перемещаться по всем журналам. В DVD коллекции из 52 журналов легко можно найти проект, который легко сделать за выходные!
325 Easy-to-Build Projects, The Complete Collection on CD-ROM

* Quickly find exactly the project you're looking for, then build it in a weekend, guaranteed!
* The complete collection—all 52 issues of Weekend Woodworking Projects Magazine.
* All projects were built and proven in the WOOD Magazine workshop, though you've never seen them in the pages of WOOD. That's because Weekend Woodworking Projects was a sister publication to WOOD Magazine that enjoyed a 9-year run catering to the needs of woodworkers looking for beautiful projects they could build with a minimal investment in time, tools, and materials.
Back issues of Weekend Woodworking Projects are nearly impossible to find anywhere, but this disc makes all of these projects available to you once again-at a price of less than $1 per issue!

* Quickly find exactly the project you're looking for, then build it in a weekend, guaranteed!
* The complete collection—all 52 issues of Weekend Woodworking Projects Magazine.
* All projects were built and proven in the WOOD Magazine workshop, though you've never seen them in the pages of WOOD. That's because Weekend Woodworking Projects was a sister publication to WOOD Magazine that enjoyed a 9-year run catering to the needs of woodworkers looking for beautiful projects they could build with a minimal investment in time, tools, and materials.