Modelling Human Motion: From Human Perception to Robot Design

Автор: buratino от 9-07-2020, 20:00, Коментариев: 0


Название: Modelling Human Motion: From Human Perception to Robot Design
Автор: Nicoletta Noceti (Editor), Alessandra Sciutti (Editor), Francesco Rea (Editor)
Издательство: Springer
Год: 2020
Формат: True PDF
Страниц: 351
Размер: 10 Mb
Язык: English

The new frontiers of robotics research foresee future scenarios where artificial agents will leave the laboratory to progressively take part in the activities of our daily life. This will require robots to have very sophisticated perceptual and action skills in many intelligence-demanding applications, with particular reference to the ability to seamlessly interact with humans. It will be crucial for the next generation of robots to understand their human partners and at the same time to be intuitively understood by them. In this context, a deep understanding of human motion is essential for robotics applications, where the ability to detect, represent and recognize human dynamics and the capability for generating appropriate movements in response sets the scene for higher-level tasks.

Ультразвуковая технологическая аппаратура

Автор: polyanskiy от 9-07-2020, 19:00, Коментариев: 0


Автор: Гершгал Д. А., Фридман В. М.
Название: Ультразвуковая технологическая аппаратура. Издание 3
Издательство: М:, Энергия
Год: 1976
Страниц: 322
Формат: DJVU, PDF
Размер: 61 МБ
В основу 3-го издания положен материал книги авторов «Ультразвуковая аппаратура промышленного назначения» («Энергия», 1967). В нее включена технологическая аппаратура, использующая широкий диапазон частот упругих колебаний. В книге описаны принципы работы и основные технические данные технологических и контрольно-измерительных приборов отечественного производства для работы в жидкостях, газах и с твердыми веществами...

Raspberry PI Beginners Guide: The Ultimate Raspberry PI 4 Setup, Programming, Projects Guide for Beginners. Learn Programming Skills and become a Master in Computer Technology

Автор: literator от 9-07-2020, 16:13, Коментариев: 0


Raspberry PI Beginners Guide: The Ultimate Raspberry PI 4 Setup, Programming, Projects Guide for Beginners. Learn Programming Skills and become a Master in Computer TechnologyНазвание: Raspberry PI Beginners Guide: The Ultimate Raspberry PI 4 Setup, Programming, Projects Guide for Beginners. Learn Programming Skills and become a Master in Computer Technology
Автор: Ricardo C. Childress
Издательство: Independently published
Год: 2020
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf, mobi, epub
Размер: 11.4 MB

This is an updated guide based on #2020. Are you looking for a device that is fully functional at a meager cost? Then Raspberry Pi is the one who can fulfill all your requirements. Whether you want your device for playing games or programming or browsing the internet, it is the perfect choice for you. Raspberry has an exceptional community that is going to assist you in every step of the way. Learning how to program and working with tech can be tedious at times, and that is why many students give up in the middle of the process. This book explores this issue and offers a credit card-sized computer as the answer. The Raspberry Pi is a small, easy to use computer that can be utilized to create anything from a simple security camera to a professional home security system. Having a cool project as your focus will push you to learn how to program, because programming on its own feels sterile.

Современные телевизоры. Устройство, ремонт и сервисные регулировки

Автор: kotmatros255 от 9-07-2020, 06:05, Коментариев: 0


Название: Современные телевизоры. Устройство, ремонт и сервисные регулировки
Автор: Тюнина Н.А., Родина А.В.
Издательство: СОЛОН-Пресс
Год: 2005
Серия: Ремонт. Выпуск 88
ISBN: 5-90219-713-9
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 161
Размер: 103 Мб
Язык: Русский

В книге рассмотрены популярные модели современных кинескопных и LCD-телевизоров 1999—2004 г.г. выпуска известных производителей и торговых марок: AKIRA, JVC, LG ELECTRONICS, PHILIPS, ROLSEN, SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS, TELEFUNKEN, THOMSON, VERAS, ГОРИЗОНТ, РУБИН, САПФИР. Всего рассматривается 11 телевизионных шасси, на которых производится более 130 моделей телевизоров с диагоналями кинескопа от 14 до 34 дюймов.

Off Grid Mobile Solar Power Installation in 1 Hour : A Step by step Guide to Design and install 12 Volts Solar Power System on Vans, RVS, Boats and Mobile Homes

Автор: literator от 8-07-2020, 20:39, Коментариев: 0


Off Grid Mobile Solar Power Installation in 1 Hour : A Step by step Guide to Design and install 12 Volts Solar Power System on Vans, RVS, Boats and Mobile HomesНазвание: Off Grid Mobile Solar Power Installation in 1 Hour: A Step by step Guide to Design and install 12 Volts Solar Power System on Vans, RVS, Boats and Mobile Homes
Автор: Larry Barone
Издательство: Independently published
Год: 2020
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf, azw3, epub
Размер: 10.1 MB

You don’t have to struggle to get Solar powered system installed on your camping Vans, RVs and Boats. If you want a do it yourself step-by-step guide, then read further. Installing the off-grid solar system is no rocket science. In this book, you will find out how to get the off-grid solar power system installed on your Vans, RV, boats and other mobile homes for camping. Taking a tour in a van is one beautiful experience, but powering them with a solar-powered system makes the trip or camping exciting. The absence of noise and efficiency of renewable energy is one major attraction to mobile solar systems. You don’t want the noise or pollution associated with generators to mess up your camping experience. In this book, I have explained the best setup mechanisms for efficiency while taking care of several options if you are on a budget.

Electronic Measuring Instruments: Learn Electronics

Автор: literator от 8-07-2020, 14:35, Коментариев: 0


Electronic Measuring Instruments: Learn ElectronicsНазвание: Electronic Measuring Instruments: Learn Electronics
Автор: Jessica Wilson
Издательство: Independently published
Год: 2020
Страниц: 130
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf, azw3, epub
Размер: 10.1 MB

This book is meant to provide our readers conceptual knowledge about various electronic measuring instruments and how to choose a specific measuring instrument based on their requirement. There are two types of measuring instruments: one is the type of measuring instruments that show the values on the scale of the meter, and other are type of measuring instruments that displays the waveforms.

Hello Raspberry Pi!

Автор: harun54 от 8-07-2020, 08:45, Коментариев: 0


Название: Hello Raspberry Pi!
Автор: Ryan Heitz
Издательство: Manning Publications
Год: 2016
Размер: 51 Мб
Язык: английский / English

Hello Raspberry Pi! is a fun way for kids to take their first steps programming on a Raspberry Pi. First, you discover how to set up and navigate the Pi. Next, begin Python programming by learning basic concepts with engaging challenges and games. This book gives you an introduction to computer programming as you gain the confidence to explore, learn, and create on your own. The last part of the book introduces you to the world of computer control of physical objects, where you create interactive projects with lights, buttons, and sounds.

Integrating 3D Printing Into Teaching and Learning : Practitioners' Perspectives

Автор: TRex от 7-07-2020, 18:34, Коментариев: 0


Название: Integrating 3D Printing Into Teaching and Learning : Practitioners' Perspectives
Автор: Nagla Ali
Издательство: Brill
Год: 2020
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 268
Размер: 24,1 Mb
Язык: English

This book covers recent attempts to integrate 3D printing into the curriculum in schools and universities and research on its efficacies and usefulness from the practitioners' perspectives. The book unveils the exemplary works by educators and researchers in the field highlighting the current trends, theoretical and practical aspects of 3D printing in teaching and learning.

Digital Signal Processing In High-Speed Optical Fiber Communication Principle and Application

Автор: buratino от 6-07-2020, 23:34, Коментариев: 0


Название: Digital Signal Processing In High-Speed Optical Fiber Communication Principle and Application
Автор: Jianjun Yu, Nan Chi
Издательство: Springer
Год: 2020
Формат: True PDF
Страниц: 572
Размер: 24.4 Mb
Язык: English

This book presents the principles and applications of optical fiber communication based on digital signal processing (DSP) for both single and multi-carrier modulation signals. In the context of single carrier modulation, it describes DSP for linear and nonlinear optical fiber communication systems, discussing all-optical Nyquist modulation signal generation and processing, and how to use probabilistic and geometrical shaping to improve the transmission performance.

Хрестоматия радиолюбителя (1971)

Автор: Natali26 от 6-07-2020, 17:12, Коментариев: 0


Название: Хрестоматия радиолюбителя
Автор: Бурлянд В.А., Жеребцов И.П. (сост.)
Издательство: Энергия
Год: 1971
Формат: djvu
Страниц: 514
Размер: 40 Mb
Язык: русский

Издание 5-е, переработанное и дополненное. Книга представляет собой учебное пособие для радиокружков, радиокурсов и самообразования. В ней изложены основы радиотехники и собраны материалы, необходимые радиолюбителю в его практической работе: организация рабочего места, выбор деталей, принципы монтажа, описания конкретных конструкций радиоприемников, усилителей, электрогитары и др. Для начинающих радиоспортсменов приводятся описания несложной УКВ аппаратуры. Даются также статьи по измерениям, методике конструирования радиоаппаратуры, налаживанию и ремонту радиоприемников. Вводная глава посвящена истории радио и радиолюбительства, а заключительная — обзору достижений советской радиоэлектроники. В пятом издании переработан ряд глав, а некоторые из них написаны заново.