Микросхемы для бытовой радиоаппаратуры. Справочник

Автор: kotmatros255 от 4-06-2020, 08:00, Коментариев: 0


Микросхемы для бытовой радиоаппаратуры. СправочникНазвание: Микросхемы для бытовой радиоаппаратуры. Справочник
Автор: Новаченко И.В., Петухов В.М., Блудов И.П., Юровский А.В.
Издательство: М.: КУбК-а
Год: 1996
ISBN: 5-85554-089-8
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 384
Размер: 36,2 Mб
Язык: русский

Приведены электрические параметры, предельные эксплуатационные данные, габаритные размеры и другие характеристики отечественных серийно выпускаемых интегральных микросхем широкого применения. Для каждой микросхемы даны типовые схемы включения.

Beginning Level of Circuit board trainer projects: Flickering LED, STM32CubeMX and TrueSTUDIO - Simple LED Control, Humidity Sensor, Sequential Commun

Автор: literator от 4-06-2020, 02:48, Коментариев: 0


Beginning Level of Circuit board trainer projects: Flickering LED, STM32CubeMX and TrueSTUDIO - Simple LED Control, Humidity Sensor, Sequential CommunНазвание: Beginning Level of Circuit board trainer projects: Flickering LED, STM32CubeMX and TrueSTUDIO - Simple LED Control, Humidity Sensor, Sequential Communication, Send/Receive SMS with STM32F103C8 and SIM800C, etc...
Автор: Anbazhagan K.
Издательство: Amazon.com Services LLC
Год: 2020
Страниц: 200
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf, azw3, epub
Размер: 19.5 MB

GPS represents Global Positioning System along with used to recognize the Latitude along with Longitude of any area on the Earth, with careful UTC time. This gadget gets the directions from the satellite for every single second, with time along with date. GPS offers extraordinary exactness and furthermore gives other information other than position facilitates. As a whole we understand that GPS is a helpful gadget and normally utilized in cell phones along with other compact gadgets for following the area. It has wide scope of uses in each field from calling the taxi at your home to follow the elevation of planes.

Tricky Circuit projects with programmed Level handson: Programmed Staircase Lights, IR Remote, Tune or Sound Generator, Movement Detector, Vehicle

Автор: literator от 4-06-2020, 02:28, Коментариев: 0


Tricky Circuit projects with programmed Level handson: Programmed Staircase Lights, IR Remote, Tune or Sound Generator, Movement Detector, VehicleНазвание: Tricky Circuit projects with programmed Level handson: Programmed Staircase Lights, IR Remote, Tune or Sound Generator, Movement Detector, Vehicle Tracking, Line Follower Robot, Controlling Brightness of LED, etc...
Автор: Anbazhagan K.
Издательство: Amazon.com Services LLC
Год: 2020
Страниц: 206
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf, azw3, epub
Размер: 20.7 MB

Line supporter robot is one of the well known mechanical technology ventures among understudies and novices on account of its effortlessness. It follows a line, either dark or white, contingent upon how you program your microcontroller. Here we make a line devotee robot utilizing MSP430 launchpad from Texas Instruments, which follows the dark line. On the off chance that you are new to MSP430 launchpad, if it's not too much trouble read our Getting gazed with MSP430 Tutorial.

PIC Microcontroller Projects handson: Fingerprint Sensor, PIC16F877A for Temperature, Mechanical Arm Control, Rotating Encoder, Heart Beat Monitoring

Автор: literator от 4-06-2020, 02:09, Коментариев: 0


PIC Microcontroller Projects handson: Fingerprint Sensor, PIC16F877A for Temperature, Mechanical Arm Control, Rotating Encoder, Heart Beat MonitoringНазвание: PIC Microcontroller Projects handson: Fingerprint Sensor, PIC16F877A for Temperature, Mechanical Arm Control, Rotating Encoder, Heart Beat Monitoring, Warm Printer, RFID, 74HC595 Serial Shift Register, etc...
Автор: Anbazhagan K.
Издательство: Amazon.com Services LLC
Год: 2020
Страниц: 192
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf, azw3, epub
Размер: 16.3 MB

Temperature along with Humidity estimation is frequently valuable in numerous applications like Home Automation, Environment Monitoring, Weather station, and so on. The most famously utilized Temperature sensor close to LM35 is the DHT11, we have recently assembled numerous DHT11 Projects by interfacing it with Arduino, with Raspberry Pi along with numerous other improvement sheets. Here, we will find how to interface this DHT11 with PIC16F87A which is a 8-piece PIC Microcontroller. We will utilize this microcontroller to peruse the estimations of Temperature along with Humidity utilizing DHT11 and show it on a LCD show. In case you are totally new with utilizing PIC microcontrollers you can utilize our PIC instructional exercise arrangement to find out how to program and use PIC microcontroller, that being stated, we should begin.

8051 Microcontroller Best 10 Projects: RFID Interfacing, Advanced Thermometer, Computerized Clock, Graphical LCD, Advanced Code Lock, PIR Sensor

Автор: literator от 4-06-2020, 01:41, Коментариев: 0


8051 Microcontroller Best 10 Projects: RFID Interfacing, Advanced Thermometer, Computerized Clock, Graphical LCD, Advanced Code Lock, PIR SensorНазвание: 8051 Microcontroller Best 10 Projects: RFID Interfacing, Advanced Thermometer, Computerized Clock, Graphical LCD, Advanced Code Lock, PIR Sensor and GSM Based Security, etc...
Автор: Anbazhagan K.
Издательство: Amazon.com Services LLC
Год: 2020
Страниц: 172
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf, azw3, epub
Размер: 10.7 MB

RFID utilizes radio recurrence to peruse data put away in a RFID card or tag. In this undertaking we are gonna to Interface EM-18 RFID peruser with 8051 microcontroller along with show RFID card number on 16*2 LCD show. This remote RF Identification is utilized in numerous frameworks like RFID Based Attendance System, security frameworks, casting a ballot machines and so on. This task will likewise fill in as a legitimate interfacing of 16*2 LCD with 8051 microcontroller. 8051 microcontroller is a 8 piece microcontroller which has 128 bytes of on chip RAM, 4K bytes of on chip ROM, cheats, one sequential port and four 8bit ports. 8052 microcontroller is an expansion of microcontroller.

PIC Communication and PIC Microcontroller Electric circuit Projects Handson: SPI Communication, 4x4 Matrix Keypad, Digital Alarm Clock, Stepper Motor

Автор: literator от 4-06-2020, 01:22, Коментариев: 0


PIC Communication and PIC Microcontroller Electric circuit Projects Handson: SPI Communication, 4x4 Matrix Keypad, Digital Alarm Clock, Stepper MotorНазвание: PIC Communication and PIC Microcontroller Electric circuit Projects Handson: SPI Communication, 4x4 Matrix Keypad, Digital Alarm Clock, Stepper Motor, Digital Clock, I2C Communication, Advanced Thermometer, Interfacing Joystick, etc...
Автор: Anbazhagan K.
Издательство: Amazon.com Services LLC
Год: 2020
Страниц: 180
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf, azw3, epub
Размер: 15.0 MB

PIC Microcontrollers are an amazing stage given by microchip to implanted ventures; its flexible nature has empowered it to discover ways into numerous applications and is yet to grow a great deal. In the event that you have been following our PIC instructional exercises, at that point you would have seen we have just secured a wide scope of instructional exercises on PIC microcontroller beginning from the very rudiments. In a similar stream we are continuing to gain proficiency with the correspondence conventions accessible with PIC and how to utilize them. We have just secured I2C with PIC Microcontroller.

Raspberry Pi 4 For Beginners And Intermediates: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginner & Intermediates to Master the Raspberry Pi 4 and Set up Innovative Projects

Автор: literator от 3-06-2020, 20:29, Коментариев: 0


Raspberry Pi 4 For Beginners And Intermediates: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginner & Intermediates to Master the Raspberry Pi 4 and Set up Innovative ProjectsНазвание: Raspberry Pi 4 For Beginners And Intermediates: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginner & Intermediates to Master the Raspberry Pi 4 and Set up Innovative Projects
Автор: Craig Berg
Издательство: Amazon.com Services LLC
Год: 2020
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf, azw3, epub
Размер: 10.1 MB

You Are About To Discover How To Set Up Your Raspberry Pi 4, Step By Step, The Easy Way, And Make The Most Of This Revolutionary Technology To Achieve So Much More Than You Can Imagine! Have you been looking for a simple and inexpensive way to do basic computing and even learn programming, boost your software development tasks or just simplify your life at home with a convenient computer? If yes, then you’ve been looking for a Raspberry Pi, a credit card-sized computer that is taking the tech world by storm.

Microwave Integrated Circuit Components Design through MATLAB

Автор: literator от 3-06-2020, 13:26, Коментариев: 0


Microwave Integrated Circuit Components Design through MATLABНазвание: Microwave Integrated Circuit Components Design through MATLAB
Автор: S. Raghavan
Издательство: CRC Press
Год: 2020
Страниц: 217
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf (true), epub
Размер: 21.0 MB

This book teaches the student community microwave integrated circuit component design through MATLAB, helping the reader to become conversant in using codes and, thereafter, commercial software for verification purposes only. Microwave circuit theory and its comparisons, transmission line networks, S-parameters, ABCD parameters, basic design parameters of planar transmission lines (striplines, microstrips, slot lines, coplanar waveguides, finlines), filter theory, Smith chart, inverted Smith chart, stability circles, noise figure circles and microwave components, are thoroughly explained in the book. The chapters are planned in such a way that readers get a thorough understanding to ensure expertise in design.

The Complete Guide to Wiring: DIY Home Electrical Installations

Автор: TRex от 2-06-2020, 18:40, Коментариев: 0


Название: The Complete Guide to Wiring: DIY Home Electrical Installations
Автор: Isaac Martin
Издательство: Amazon.com Services LLC
Год: 2020
Формат: PDF, AZW3
Страниц: 57
Размер: 10,8 Mb
Язык: English

Electrical wiring keeps the power flowing through your home. It is run to power lighting, outlets, and devices throughout your home including appliances. Some wiring is low-voltage for things such as doorbells, while other wiring is much larger for large loads to power things such as ovens, ranges, welders, sub-panels, wells, and air conditioners.

Simple ESP8266 Microprocessor Utilizing projects hands on: Send Text Message (SMS), Send E-mail utilizing PIC Microcontroller, Home Automation utilizing ESP8266, Arduino IDE and Flashing its Memory

Автор: literator от 2-06-2020, 17:43, Коментариев: 0


Simple ESP8266 Microprocessor Utilizing projects hands on: Send Text Message (SMS), Send E-mail utilizing PIC Microcontroller, Home Automation utilizing ESP8266, Arduino IDE and Flashing its MemoryНазвание: Simple ESP8266 Microprocessor Utilizing projects hands on: Send Text Message (SMS), Send E-mail utilizing PIC Microcontroller, Home Automation utilizing ESP8266, Arduino IDE and Flashing its Memory
Автор: Anbazhagan K.
Издательство: Amazon.com Services LLC
Год: 2020
Страниц: 154
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf, azw3, epub
Размер: 17.7 MB

The Internet of Things (IOT) is a perplexing idea comprised of numerous PCs and numerous correspondence ways. Some IOT gadgets are associated with the Internet and some are most certainly not. Some IOT gadgets structure swarms that convey among themselves. Some are intended for a solitary reason, while some are increasingly universally useful PCs. This book is intended to demonstrate to you the IOT from the back to front. By structure IOT gadgets, the per user will comprehend the essential ideas and will almost certainly develop utilizing the rudiments to make his or her very own IOT applications. These included ventures will tell the per user the best way to assemble their very own IOT ventures and to develop the models appeared.