Искусство криогеники

Автор: umkaS от 17-05-2023, 07:31, Коментариев: 0


Название: Искусство криогеники
Автор: Вентура Г., Ризегари Л.
Издательство: Издательский Дом «Интеллект»
Год: 2011
Cтраниц: 336
Формат: pdf/djvu
Размер: 28 мб
Язык: русский

Физика и техника низких температур — неотъемлемая составляющая фундаментальной науки (от физики твердого тела до ускорителей элементарных частиц), ракетной техники, новейших индустриальных и даже медицинских технологий.

The Meaning of Birds

Автор: harun54 от 16-05-2023, 07:57, Коментариев: 0


Название: The Meaning of Birds
Автор: Simon Barnes
Издательство: Pegasus Books
Год: 2019
Формат: EPUB
Размер: 165 Мб
Язык: английский / English

A gorgeously illustrated and enchanting examination of the lives of birds, illuminating their wondrous world and our connection with them. One of our most eloquent nature writers offers a passionate and informative celebration of birds and their ability to help us understand the world we live in. As well as exploring how birds achieve the miracle of flight; why birds sing; what they tell us about the seasons of the year and what their presence tells us about the places they inhabit, The Meaning of Birds muses on the uses of feathers, the drama of raptors, the slaughter of pheasants, the infidelities of geese, and the strangeness of feeling sentimental about blue tits while enjoying a chicken sandwich. From the mocking-birds of the Galapagos who guided Charles Darwin toward his evolutionary theory, to the changing patterns of migration that alert us to the reality of contemporary climate change, Simon Barnes explores both the intrinsic wonder of what it is to be a bird―and the myriad ways in which birds can help us understand the meaning of life.

Физик в гостях у биолога

Автор: umkaS от 14-05-2023, 12:42, Коментариев: 0


Название: Физик в гостях у биолога
Автор: Богданов К.Ю.
Издательство: МЦНМО
Год: 2015
Страниц: 240
Формат: pdf
Размер: 22 mb

В книге рассказывается о физических процессах, лежащих в основе жизнедеятельности организма. Читатель познакомится с современными представлениями о работе органов чувств человека и животных; с физическими принципами, определяющими способность человека видеть слышать, дышать и т.п.; с основами мембранной теории происхождения биоэлектрических явлений. Узнает о применении физики не только в биологии, но и в социологии, технологии и даже нанотехнологии.

The Natural History of Primates: A Systematic Survey of Ecology and Behavior

Автор: Indulis79 от 13-05-2023, 18:59, Коментариев: 0


Название: The Natural History of Primates: A Systematic Survey of Ecology and Behavior
Автор: Robert W. Sussman, Donna Hart, Ian C. Colquhoun
Издательство: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
ISBN: 1442248998
Год: 2022
Формат: EPUB
Страниц: 698
Размер: 36,1 МБ
Язык: Английский

The interest in primates, from lemurs to gorillas, has never been greater. Primatologists are continually finding evidence in the behavior and ecology of our closest genetic relatives that sheds light on human origins. So, just who are these 520+ species of complex and intelligent mammals inhabiting the Neotropics, Africa, Madagascar, and Asia? The Natural History of Primates provides the most current information on wild primates from experts who have studied them in their natural environments.


BirdNote: Chirps, Quirks, and Stories of 100 Birds from the Popular Public Radio Show

Автор: harun54 от 13-05-2023, 11:59, Коментариев: 0


Название: BirdNote: Chirps, Quirks, and Stories of 100 Birds from the Popular Public Radio Show
Автор: BirdNote, Emily Poole, Ellen Blackstone
Издательство: Sasquatch Books
Год: 2018
Формат: EPUB
Размер: 30 Мб
Язык: английский / English

One hundred entertaining and informative essays from the popular public radio feature program, BirdNote, accompanied by original illustrations throughout–an illuminating volume for bird and nature lovers across North America. Here are the best stories about our avian friends from the public radio show BirdNote, each brief essay illuminating the life, habits, or songs of a particular bird. Why do geese fly in a V-formation? Why are worms so good for you–if you're a robin? Which bird calls, "Who cooks for you? Who cooks for you-all?" From wrens that nest in cactuses to gulls that have a strange red dot on their bills–these digestible and fascinating bird stories are a delightful window to the winged world. A foreword by John W. Fitzpatrick, director of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, and an introduction by Gordon Orians, professor emeritus of biology at the University of Washington, are also included.

The Herb Book: The Stories, Science, and History of Herbs

Автор: harun54 от 13-05-2023, 11:21, Коментариев: 0


Название: The Herb Book: The Stories, Science, and History of Herbs
Автор: DK
Издательство: DK
Год: 2023
Формат: EPUB
Размер: 135 Мб
Язык: английский / English

Immerse yourself in stories and pictures of these useful plants, from herb gardens to remote wildernesses. Herbs have been used by humans throughout history - for cooking, medicine, rituals, and more. They are also a huge part of the modern world, from gardening, food, and cosmetics to medicines fighting diseases such as malaria. With vibrant illustrations and expert knowledge, The Herb Book takes a close-up look at a wide range of herbs from around the world, showcasing their botanical characteristics, medicinal, cosmetic, and culinary properties and uses, and cultural impact on the lives of humans. Featuring key scientific facts along with historical and mythological stories, this book provides a rich blend of information on these extraordinary plants and their role in our world. Proving a must-have volume for gardeners, horticulturalists, and amateur herbalists alike, as well as anyone interested in natural remedies, cookes and foodies too!

The Wild Bee Handbook: The Amazing Lives of Our Wild Species and How to Help Them Thrive

Автор: harun54 от 13-05-2023, 11:15, Коментариев: 0


Название: The Wild Bee Handbook: The Amazing Lives of Our Wild Species and How to Help Them Thrive
Автор: Sarah Wyndham-Lewis
Издательство: Quadrille
Год: 2023
Формат: EPUB
Размер: 22 Мб
Язык: английский / English

From the bestselling author of Planting for Honeybees, The Wild Bee Handbook is a celebration of the wild bees, those vital pollinators of the natural world and unsung guardians of our food chain. From bumblebees to solitary species, it's a beautifully illustrated, informative guide introducing you to their amazing lives and equipping you with practical gardening knowledge of the plants and habitats they need. Discover common and uncommon wild bees to spot out and about in town and country. Learn how vital they are to the ecosystem and how to help them thrive with The Wild Bee Handbook. Featuring extensive planting advice, this book is an essential, hands-on resource for anyone interested in bees, biodiversity and sustainable gardening, with sections on container gardening, the no-dig method, building organic soil health, and easy ways to bring the wild back into your growing, whether you have a large space or just a city windowsill. Introducing you to the wild and wonderful world of bees, The Wild Bee Handbook is a fascinating way to learn more about supporting these essential creatures.

Soils: A New Global View

Автор: Indulis79 от 12-05-2023, 13:31, Коментариев: 0


Название: Soils: A New Global View
Автор: Thomas Ronal Paton
Издательство: CRC Press
ISBN: 1003420361
Год: 2023
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 234
Размер: 44,4 МБ
Язык: Английский

Offers a perspective on soils as earth materials, which establishes a pedological hierarchy of materials, processes and factors, and their rationalization in terms of plate tectonics. The book should interest soil and earth scientists.


Земля. Введение в общую геологию (в 2-х томах)

Автор: umkaS от 12-05-2023, 08:43, Коментариев: 0


Название: Земля. Введение в общую геологию (в 2-х томах)
Автор: Ферхуген Дж., Тернер Ф., Вейс Л., Вархафтинг К., Файф У.
Издательство: М.: Мир
Год: 1974
Cтраниц: 846
Формат: pdf
Размер: 50 мб
Язык: русский

Книга привлекает, прежде всего, необычностью содержания. Это своего рода энциклопедия, которую можно было бы назвать «Все о Земле», книга о геологических процессах, происходящих в глубинах Земли и на ее поверхности.

A Sea of Glass: Searching for the Blaschkas' Fragile Legacy in an Ocean at Risk

Автор: harun54 от 9-05-2023, 15:34, Коментариев: 0


Название: A Sea of Glass: Searching for the Blaschkas' Fragile Legacy in an Ocean at Risk
Автор: Drew Harvell
Издательство: University of California Press
Год: 2019
Формат: EPUB
Размер: 23 Мб
Язык: английский / English

Winner of the 2016 National Outdoor Book Award, Environment Category. It started with a glass octopus. Dusty, broken, and all but forgotten, it caught Drew Harvell’s eye. Fashioned in intricate detail by the father-son glassmaking team of Leopold and Rudolf Blaschka, the octopus belonged to a menagerie of unusual marine creatures that had been packed away for decades in a storage unit. More than 150 years earlier, the Blaschkas had been captivated by marine invertebrates and spun their likenesses into glass, documenting the life of oceans untouched by climate change and human impacts. Inspired by the Blaschkas’ uncanny replicas, Harvell set out in search of their living counterparts. In A Sea of Glass, she recounts this journey of a lifetime, taking readers along as she dives beneath the ocean's surface to a rarely seen world, revealing the surprising and unusual biology of some of the most ancient animals on the tree of life. On the way, we glimpse a century of change in our ocean ecosystems and learn which of the living matches for the Blaschkas’ creations are, indeed, as fragile as glass.