World of Warcraft Unofficial Cookbook: Amazing & Delicious Recipes for Fans. With Beautiful Recipe Pictures

Автор: Indulis79 от 6-12-2021, 11:33, Коментариев: 0


Название: World of Warcraft Unofficial Cookbook: Amazing & Delicious Recipes for Fans. With Beautiful Recipe Pictures
Автор: June Ellison
Издательство: June Ellison
Год: 2021
Формат: EPUB
Страниц: 91
Размер: 17,9 МБ
Язык: Английский

The Cookbook is based on fascinating game stories and characters in World of Warcraft. Inside the cookbook is a collection of attractive dishes, appealing to both people who want to cook and want to eat. Each recipe with a detailed list of ingredients and a step-by-step making process. And the ingredients you will find here can all be sourced locally and easily.

Neverland Food: A Unique Cookbook full of Peter Pan and Tinker Bell's Favorite Recipes

Автор: Indulis79 от 6-12-2021, 11:20, Коментариев: 0


Название: Neverland Food: A Unique Cookbook full of Peter Pan and Tinker Bell's Favorite Recipes
Автор: Lauren Perry
Издательство: Lauren Perry
Год: 2020
Формат: EPUB
Страниц: 85
Размер: 15,2 МБ
Язык: Английский

Ruling Lost Boys and being busy in adventures, Peter Pan has been our inspiration for his freedom and activity. His interaction with a variety of creatures like mermaids, pirates, fish and above all, Tinker Bell brings a variety to his lifestyle. We have also brought you a variety of food that Peter has been trying out on his mysterious island.

Glorious Upside Down Cakes: Let Your Dessert World Turn Up-Side-Down

Автор: Indulis79 от 6-12-2021, 11:00, Коментариев: 0


Название: Glorious Upside Down Cakes: Let Your Dessert World Turn Up-Side-Down
Автор: Patricia Baker
Издательство: Patricia Baker
Год: 2020
Формат: MOBI
Страниц: 77
Размер: 20,8 МБ
Язык: Английский

This cookbook is a collection of traditional cakes made in simpler ways to wow your families, friends and guests. Moreover, it doesn’t take much of ingredients or complex preparations. Just some basic ingredients like cake mix and desired fruits or dry fruits toppings.

Indian Heritage Cooking

Автор: Natali26 от 5-12-2021, 21:51, Коментариев: 0


Название: Indian Heritage Cooking
Автор: Devagi Sanmugan, Shanmugan Kasinathan
Издательство: Marshall Cavendish International (Asia)
Год: 2011
Формат: epub
Страниц: 180
Размер: 30.6 Мб
Язык: английский

Each book is made up of two parts: An introduction that provides an overview of the history and culture of the community in Singapore and a selection of 55–65 recipes. This section will include traditional dishes, dishes that boast a distinct regional variation that makes them uniquely Singaporean as well dishes that have been adapted over time with lifestyle changes.


Питание школьника. Меню для ума и здоровья

Автор: Natali26 от 5-12-2021, 17:57, Коментариев: 0


Название: Питание школьника. Меню для ума и здоровья
Автор: Bailey Christine, Graimes Nicola
Издательство: Амфора
Год: 2012
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 50
Размер: 27,82 Мб
Язык: русский

Эта книга, содержащая сведения о целебных свойствах продуктов, - хорошая подсказка для родителей! Завтраки и обеды, полдники и ужины, приготовленные с помощью предлагаемых кулинарных рецептов, наверняка доставят радость и удовольствие детям, а также помогут сбалансировать и разнообразить их ежедневное меню.


Seasoning and Spice Recipes: Spice up Your Meals with these Wonderful Blends!

Автор: Indulis79 от 5-12-2021, 13:29, Коментариев: 0


Название: Seasoning and Spice Recipes: Spice up Your Meals with these Wonderful Blends!
Автор: Rose Rivera
Издательство: Rose Rivera
Год: 2021
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 95
Размер: 17,1 МБ
Язык: Английский

Is making your own blends difficult?
If you and your family are tired of eating the same dishes frequently, using seasoning and spice blends is an excellent way to make old meals seem new. They add new flavors to meats, seafood, vegetables and more.
You can buy many seasoning and spice blends at food markets. However, the best blends are homemade since you can tailor them to the tastes you and your family prefer.

Creamy Creme Brulee Cookbook: Discover Delicious Creme Brulee Recipes That You Can Whip Up at Home!

Автор: Indulis79 от 5-12-2021, 13:05, Коментариев: 0


Название: Creamy Creme Brulee Cookbook: Discover Delicious Creme Brulee Recipes That You Can Whip Up at Home!
Автор: Will C.
Издательство: Will C.
Год: 2021
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 69
Размер: 12,9 МБ
Язык: Английский

Smooth, creamy, and decadent, Crème Brûlée is a classic dessert from France. And now, with the help of this recipe book, you’ll be able to put up delicious, mouth-watering Crème Brûlée desserts that’ll leave your friends and family impressed.

Delicious and Effortless No Bake Cakes: Decadent No Bake Cake Recipes to Satisfy Your Cravings

Автор: Indulis79 от 5-12-2021, 12:23, Коментариев: 0


Название: Delicious and Effortless No Bake Cakes: Decadent No Bake Cake Recipes to Satisfy Your Cravings
Автор: Will C.
Издательство: Will C.
Год: 2021
Формат: PDF (conv)
Страниц: 69
Размер: 12,4 МБ
Язык: Английский

Do you crave any creamy and decadent cake but don’t have much time to spend in the kitchen? Or, you can’t seem to get along with baking? If you want to prepare desserts without much effort, no bake cakes are the best choice for you!

Салатная диета. 500 рецептов салатов для похудения

Автор: kotmatros255 от 5-12-2021, 12:08, Коментариев: 0


Название: Салатная диета. 500 рецептов салатов для похудения
Автор: Трюхан О., Хворостухина С.
Издательство: РИПОЛ классик
Год выпуска: 2008
ISBN: 978-5-386-00647-1
Страниц: 189
Формат: pdf
Размер: 10,2 Mb
Язык: Русский

Если вы хотите сбросить лишние килограммы и при этом не морить себя голодом, воспользуйтесь салатной диетой. Ее преимущество перед всеми остальными заключается в том, что вам не нужно три раза в день есть одно и тоже блюдо, на вашем столе всегда будет вкусная и разнообразная еда, богатая витаминами и микроэлементами.

Three Dishes One Soup: Inside the Singapore Kitchen

Автор: Indulis79 от 5-12-2021, 11:43, Коментариев: 0


Название: Three Dishes One Soup: Inside the Singapore Kitchen
Автор: Lace Zhang
Издательство: Marshall Cavendish International (Asia) Pte Ltd
ISBN: 9814794562
Год: 2019
Формат: EPUB
Страниц: 108
Размер: 17,4 МБ
Язык: Английский

It is said that the soul of the home is the kitchen. And indeed, food is often how our loved ones express their care and concern for us, by pampering us with sumptuous homemade meals. In Chinese families, this typically means several side dishes served with a bowl of rice and a soup.