Vought F4U Corsair (Crowood Aviation Series)

Автор: Gerza от 19-09-2016, 17:25, Коментариев: 0


Vought F4U Corsair (Crowood Aviation Series)
Название: Vought F4U Corsair
Автор(ы): Martin W. Bowman
Издательство: The Crowood Press
Серия: Crowood Aviation Series
Год: 2002
ISBN: 1861264925
Страниц: 192
Язык: English
Формат: PDF
Размер: 90 MB

"Vought F4U Corsair" is the story of the "bent wing bird", one of the best known of all American military aircraft. From dominance in the Pacific in World War II to important carrier operations in the Korean War, and service with the US Navy, Royal Navy, RNZAF and French Navy, the Corsair played a pivotal and invaluable role in Allied warfare. Martin Bowman combines technical information and detailed development history with a fascinating combat history told, in many cases, by World War II pilots themselves.

The Iraq War: A Military History

Автор: bakerman от 19-09-2016, 17:20, Коментариев: 0


The Iraq War: A Military History
Автор: Williamson Murray, Robert H. Scales
Название: The Iraq War: A Military History
Издательство: Belknap Press
Год: 2003
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 376
Язык: English
Размер: 52 MB

Two of America's most distinguished military historians go beyond the blaring headlines, embedded videophone reports and Centcom briefings to analyze events in light of past military experience, present battleground realities and future expectations. The Iraq War puts the recent conflict into context. Drawing on their extensive military expertise, the authors assess the opposing aims of the Coalition forces and the Iraqi regime and explain the day-to-day tactical and logistical decisions of infantry and air command, as British and American troops moved into Basra and Baghdad. They simultaneously step back to examine long-running debates within the US Defense Department about the proper uses of military power and probe the strategic implications of those debates for America's buildup to this war. Surveying the immense changes that have occurred in America's armed forces between the Gulf conflicts of 1991 and 2003 - changes in doctrine as well as weapons - this volume reveals critical meanings and lessons about the new "American way of war" as it has unfolded in Iraq. Williamson Murray offers his insight as principal author of the operations volume of the Gulf War Air Power Survey, commissioned after the 1991 conflict in Kuwait. Major General Robert H. Scales, Jr., US Army retired, brings perspective as head of the Army's team of Gulf War historians. He also served as Commandant of the Army War College.

Первое дело при Красном

Автор: Dimas от 19-09-2016, 16:18, Коментариев: 0


Первое дело при Красном
Название: Первое дело при Красном
Издательство: ООО "Книга"
Год: 2007
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 105
Размер: 164 Mb
Язык: Russian

Книга рассказывает о первом серьезном успехе русской армии на фоне общего отступления в июле-августе 1812г. Кавалерийский бой при Молевом Болоте и последующем сражении при Красном. Книга дает ответы на многие вопросы истории связанные с действиями русской и французской армий во время "Первой Смоленской операции русских войск".

The Air National Guard and the American Military Tradition

Автор: bakerman от 19-09-2016, 16:12, Коментариев: 0


The Air National Guard and the American Military Tradition
Автор: Charles Joseph Gross
Название: The Air National Guard and the American Military Tradition
Издательство: National Guard Bureau
Год: 1995
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 260
Язык: English
Размер: 27 MB

Recounts the Air National Guard's service and heritage as part of the nation's military forces. Traces the militia tradition and connects this story with the rising influence of air power. Outlines the Air National Guard's three primary missions: to reinforce active duty forces in wartime; to assist State governments responding to natural disasters and public emergencies; and to provide various community service functions.

Бородино: Северный фланг

Автор: Dimas от 19-09-2016, 12:05, Коментариев: 0


Бородино: Северный фланг
Название: Бородино: Северный фланг
Издательство: ООО "Книга"
Год: 2008
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 105
Размер: 134 Mb
Язык: Russian

Автор осветил наименее изученные вопросы о действиях на северном фланге сражения: утреннем и дневном боях возле с.Бородино. На основе многочисленных и разнообразных источников, в том числе и иностранных, впервые вводимых в научный оборот, создается достаточно полная и объективная картина событий.

"Летучий корпус" генерала Ф.Винцингерода в 1812г.

Автор: Dimas от 19-09-2016, 11:22, Коментариев: 0


"Летучий корпус" генерала Ф.Винцингерода в 1812г.
Название: "Летучий корпус" генерала Ф.Винцингерода в 1812г.
Издательство: ООО "Книга"
Год: 2011
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 105
Размер: 188 Mb
Язык: Russian

Данное исследование посвящено анализу боевой деятельности одного из "летучих корпусов" российской армии под командой генерала Ф. Винцингероде, в рядах которого служили как будущий декабрист С.Г. Волконский, так и будущий шеф жандармов А.Х. Бенкендорф. На основе изучения большого количества разнообразных отечественных и иностранных источников автор по-новому осветил многие аспекты актуальной проблемы "малой войны" в кампании 1812 года.

Fairey Gannet (Warpaint 023)

Автор: Gerza от 19-09-2016, 10:52, Коментариев: 1


Название: Fairey Gannet
Автор(ы): Steve Hazell
Издательство: Guideline Publications
Серия: Warpaint 023
Год: 1999
Страниц: 44 + 4 pages of plans
Язык: English
Формат: PDF OCR
Размер: 72 MB

The Gannet was originally developed to meet the FAA's dual-role anti-submarine warfare and strike requirement It was later adapted for operations as an electronic countermeasures and carrier onboard delivery aircraft. The Gannet AEW was a variant of the aircraft developed as a carrier-based airborne early warning platform.

Soviet Heavy Inteceptors (Red Star 19)

Автор: Gerza от 19-09-2016, 08:43, Коментариев: 0


Название: Soviet Heavy Inteceptors
Автор(ы): Yefim Gordon
Издательство: Midland Publishing
Серия: Red Star 19
Год: 2004
ISBN: 1857801911
Страниц: 129
Язык: English
Формат: PDF
Размер: 59 MB

In the nervous 1950s, the Soviet Union faced the task of defending its borders against intrusions by Western spyplanes and deterring an attack by Western bomber armadas. The mission was to intercept incoming adversaries at long range, which required plenty of engine power, ample fuel and heavy armament. Several Soviet design bureaus took on this priority task. The first heavy interceptor from the Mikoyan stable was the swept-wing I-3 of 1956 which, though never flown, was the precursor of the cannon-armed I-7U and the missile-armed I-75. These were followed by the delta-winged Ye-150 series of the late 1950s and early 1960s - the single-engined Ye-150 and Ye-152 and the twin-engined Ye-152A. Known to the outside world as the Ye-166, the huge Ye-152M set an impressive speed record of 2,681 km/h on 7th July 1962. These aircraft paved the way for the MiG-25 interceptor. Other contenders included the Sukhoi T-37, terminated by government order before it had a chance to fly. Even the Tupolev OKB, traditionally specializing in heavy bombers and airliners, developed the twin-engined Tu-128 - the world's largest interceptor - which was so huge that it was initially mistaken for a medium bomber.

Lavochkin's Last Jets (Red Star 32)

Автор: Gerza от 19-09-2016, 08:26, Коментариев: 0


Lavochkin's Last Jets (Red Star 32)
Название: Lavochkin's Last Jets
Автор(ы): Yefim Gordon
Издательство: Midland Publishing
Серия: Red Star 32
Год: 2007
ISBN: 1857802535
Страниц: 131
Язык: English
Формат: PDF
Размер: 69 MB

From the late 1940s onwards, the Lavochkin bureau was at the forefront of the Soviet supersonic jet fighter program, and this book covers them all in thorough detail. The first of Lavochkin's jet fighters was the La-15. This was a fantail, single-seat swept-wing jet interceptor fighter, which was a less successful contemporary of the MiG-15, despite being more technically advanced. It was a development of the La-172, and was initially known as the La-174D. Only 500 of these aircraft were made, which was less than originally planned due to production problems. These aircraft were in use until 1954. The last aircraft in the sequence designed in 1956-57 was the La-250 Anakonda. Only four of these aircraft were produced. This was a delta-winged long-range all-weather interceptor. The La-250 was designed to fly long-range missions at high altitude, armed with two large missiles. Its Anakonda nickname came from its long, narrow fuselage. After the first aircraft crashed as a result of poor visibility causing early ground touch during landing, the noses of the three remaining planes were lowered by six degrees. This book is perfect for those interested in Soviet jet aircraft designed in the early Cold War era and for aviation modelers looking for detail-oriented photos of the aircraft.

Танк Т-26. Устройство, работа, регулировка и уход

Автор: knigavelesa от 19-09-2016, 01:44, Коментариев: 0


Танк Т-26. Устройство, работа, регулировка и уходНазвание: Танк Т-26. Устройство, работа, регулировка и уход
Автор: Иевлев П.
Место издания: М.
Издательство: Военная академия механизации и моторизации РККА им. т. Сталина
Год: 1936
Страниц: 164
Формат: pdf
Размер: 104.2 MB

Советский легкий танк Т-26, созданный как дальнейшее развитие английского «Виккерса 6-тонного», являлся уникальной боевой машиной. Во-первых, это был самый массовый советский танк 1930-х годов (изготовлено более 11000 штук), на базе которого создали рекордное количество опытных образцов (несколько десятков). Во-вторых, этот танк являлся настоящей рабочей лошадкой Красной Армии – у озера Хасан и реки Халхин-гол, в Испании и Китае, советско-финляндской войне и польском походе 1939 года, в Великой Отечественной и войне с Японией. Т-26 поставлялся в Испанию, Китай и Турцию, а трофейные образцы состояли на вооружении вермахта, Румынии, Финляндии и Венгрии.