Автор: Carey Parker
Издательство: Wawasee Media
ISBN: 0997453605
Язык: Английский
Год: 2016
Формат: pdf
Размер: 13.6 MB
Страниц: 326
Насколько защищен ваш компьютер прямо сейчас? Я думаю, что вы, наверное, на самом деле не знаете. Компьютеры и Интернет совершили революцию в современном мире, но если вы похожи на большинство людей, то вы понятия не имеете, как это работает и какие несет реальные угрозы.
Just how secure is your computer right now? My guess is that you probably don't really know. Computers and the Internet have revolutionized the modern world, but if you're like most people, you have no clue how these things work or what the real threats are.
Protecting your computer is like defending a medieval castle. While moats, walls, drawbridges and castle guards can be effective, you'd go broke trying to build something dragon-proof. This book is not about protecting yourself from a targeted attack by the NSA; it's about armoring yourself against common hackers and mass surveillance. There are dozens of no-brainer things we should all be doing to protect our computers and safeguard our data - just like wearing a seat belt, installing smoke alarms, and putting on sunscreen.
I've structured this book to give you maximum benefit with minimum effort. If you just want to know what to do, every chapter has a complete checklist with step-by-step instructions and pictures. The book contains well over 100 tips that are guaranteed to make you and your family safer!
Скачать Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons: A Step-By-Step Guide to Computer Security for Non-Techies, 2nd edition