OCA OCP Java SE 7 Programmer I & II Study Guide, Exams 1Z0-803 & 1Z0-804

Автор: bhaer от 11-10-2016, 15:05, Коментариев: 0


OCA OCP Java SE 7 Programmer I & II Study Guide, Exams 1Z0-803 & 1Z0-804
Название: OCA OCP Java SE 7 Programmer I & II Study Guide, Exams 1Z0-803 & 1Z0-804
Автор: Kathy Sierra, Bert Bates
Издательство: Oracle Press
Год: 2015
Страниц: 1094
Формат: PDF
Размер: 11 Mb
Язык: English

A Complete Study System for OCA/OCP Exams 1Z0-803 and 1Z0-804
Prepare for the OCA/OCP Java SE 7 Programmer I and II exams with this exclusive Oracle Press guide. Chapters feature challenging exercises, a certification summary, a two-minute drill, and a self-test to reinforce the topics presented. This authoritative resource helps you pass these exams and also serves as an essential, on-the-job reference. Get complete coverage of all objectives for exams 1Z0-803 and 1Z0-804, including...

20 Python Libraries You Aren't Using (But Should)

Автор: KapapPaan от 11-10-2016, 10:25, Коментариев: 0


20 Python Libraries You Aren't Using (But Should)
Название: 20 Python Libraries You Aren't Using (But Should)
Автор: Caleb Hattingh
Издательство: O'Reilly
Год: 2016
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 74
Размер: 4.13 MB
Язык: Английский

The Python ecosystem is vast and far-reaching in both scope and depth. Starting out in this crazy, open-source forest is daunting, and even with years of experience, it still requires continual effort to keep up-to-date with the best libraries and techniques. This report helps you explore some of the lesser known Python libraries and tools, including third-party modules and several extremely useful tools in the standard library that deserve more attention.

Hadoop with Python

Автор: KapapPaan от 11-10-2016, 10:23, Коментариев: 0


Hadoop with Python
Название: Hadoop with Python
Автор: Zachary Radtka, Donald Miner
Издательство: O'Reilly
Год: 2015
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 71
Размер: 1.75 MB
Язык: Английский

Hadoop is mostly written in Java, but that doesn't exclude the use of other programming languages with this distributed storage and processing framework, particularly Python. With this concise book, you'll learn how to use Python with the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), MapReduce, the Apache Pig platform and Pig Latin script, and the Apache Spark cluster-computing framework.

OCA: Oracle Certified Associate Java SE 8 Programmer I Study Guide: Exam 1Z0-808

Автор: bhaer от 10-10-2016, 16:34, Коментариев: 0


OCA: Oracle Certified Associate Java SE 8 Programmer I Study Guide: Exam 1Z0-808
Название: OCA: Oracle Certified Associate Java SE 8 Programmer I Study Guide: Exam 1Z0-808
Автор: Boyarsky Jeanne, Selikoff Scott
Издательство: Sybex
Год: 2014
Страниц: 432
Формат: PDF
Размер: 12 Mb
Язык: English

Full coverage of functional programming and all OCA Java Programmer exam objectives
OCA, Oracle Certified Associate Java SE 8 Programmer I Study Guide, Exam 1Z0-808 is a comprehensive study guide for those taking the Oracle Certified Associate Java SE 8 Programmer I exam (1Z0-808). With complete coverage of 100% of the exam objectives, this book provides everything you need to know to confidently take the exam. The release of Java 8 brought the language's biggest changes to date, and for the first time, candidates are required to learn functional programming to pass the exam. This study guide has you covered, with thorough functional programming explanation and information on all key topic areas Java programmers need to know. You'll cover Java inside and out, and learn how to apply it efficiently and effectively to create solutions applicable to real-world scenarios.

Integrating Python with Leading Computer Forensics Platforms

Автор: bhaer от 9-10-2016, 18:40, Коментариев: 0


Integrating Python with Leading Computer Forensics Platforms
Название: Integrating Python with Leading Computer Forensics Platforms
Автор: Chet Hosmer
Издательство: Syngress
Год: 2016
Страниц: 216
Формат: PDF
Размер: 35 Mb
Язык: English

Integrating Python with Leading Computer Forensic Platforms takes a definitive look at how and why the integration of Python advances the field of digital forensics. In addition, the book includes practical, never seen Python examples that can be immediately put to use. Noted author Chet Hosmer demonstrates how to extend four key Forensic Platforms using Python, including EnCase by Guidance Software, MPE+ by Access Data, The Open Source Autopsy/SleuthKit by Brian Carrier and WetStone Technologies, and Live Acquisition and Triage Tool US-LATT. This book is for practitioners, forensic investigators, educators, students, private investigators, or anyone advancing digital forensics for investigating cybercrime.

Ember Data in the Wild: Getting Ember Data to Work With Your API

Автор: bhaer от 9-10-2016, 10:15, Коментариев: 0


Ember Data in the Wild: Getting Ember Data to Work With Your API
Название: Ember Data in the Wild: Getting Ember Data to Work With Your API
Автор: David Tang
Издательство: David Tang
Год: 2016
Страниц: 108
Формат: PDF
Размер: 10 Mb
Язык: English

Have a custom API that you aren't sure how to use with Ember Data? Interested in writing your own adapter or serializer? Want to just know more about how Ember Data works? This is the Ember Data book you have been waiting for.
Lots of books and tutorials start off teaching Ember with Ember Data. This is great, especially if you are in control of your API, but what if you aren't? You do a little research and start seeing terminology like adapters, serializers, transforms, and snapshots and quickly become overwhelmed. Maybe you've thought to yourself that Ember isn't for you. This was me when I first started with Ember. I wasn't in control of my APIs and the APIs I was using were not built using the Rails conventions. Well, if this sounds familiar, then this book is for you. My goal with this book is to take you from beginner to expert when working with Ember Data and learn how to adapt Ember Data to fit any API.

Распараллеливание алгоритмов и программ. Структурный подход

Автор: SCART56 от 8-10-2016, 20:47, Коментариев: 0


Распараллеливание алгоритмов и программ. Структурный подход
Название: Распараллеливание алгоритмов и программ. Структурный подход
Автор: Вальковский В.А.
Издательство: Радио и связь
Год: 1989
Страниц: 176
ISBN: 5-256-00195-7
Формат: PDF
Размер: 10 Мб
Язык: русский

Посвящается проблеме автоматического распараллеливания алгоритмов и программ для последующего их исполнения на многопроцессорных вычислительных комплексах. Вводятся и изучаются с математических позиций параллельные вычислительные процессы над общей памятью.

Automated Trading with R: Quantitative Research and Platform Development

Автор: bhaer от 8-10-2016, 16:57, Коментариев: 0


Automated Trading with R: Quantitative Research and Platform Development
Название: Automated Trading with R: Quantitative Research and Platform Development
Автор: Christopher Conlan
Издательство: Apress
Год: 2016
Страниц: 205
Формат: PDF
Размер: 11 Mb
Язык: English

This book explains the broad topic of automated trading, starting with its mathematics and moving to its computation and execution. Readers will gain a unique insight into the mechanics and computational considerations taken in building a backtester, strategy optimizer, and fully functional trading platform.
Automated Trading with R provides automated traders with all the tools they need to trade algorithmically with their existing brokerage, from data management, to strategy optimization, to order execution, using free and publically available data. If your brokerage’s API is supported, the source code is plug-and-play.

Programming Abstractions in C++

Автор: bhaer от 8-10-2016, 16:08, Коментариев: 0


Programming Abstractions in C++
Название: Programming Abstractions in C++
Автор: Eric Roberts
Издательство: Pearson
Год: 2013
Страниц: 960
Формат: PDF
Размер: 15 Mb
Язык: English

This text is intended for use in the second programming course
Programming is a matter of learning by doing. Eric Roberts’ Programming Abstractions in C++ gives students opportunities to practice and learn with engaging graphical assignments. A client-first approach to data structures helps students absorb, and then apply the material.

Ремесло программиста. Практика написания хорошего кода

Автор: daromir от 8-10-2016, 10:18, Коментариев: 1


Автор: Гудлиф П.
Название: Ремесло программиста. Практика написания хорошего кода
Издательство: СПб.: Символ-Плюс
Год: 2009
ISBN: 978-5932861271
Язык: Русский
Формат: pdf
Размер: 10,5 mb
Страниц: 704, ил.

Перед вами руководство по выживанию в условиях промышленного производства ПО. Эта книга посвящена тому, чему вас никто не учил: как правильно программировать в реальной жизни. Здесь вы найдете не связанные с конкретными языками рекомендации, полезные всем разработчикам и касающиеся таких проблем, как стиль представления, выбор имен переменных, обработка ошибок, безопасность, эффективность групповой работы, технологии разработки и составление документации.